Current Design Teams

Monday, June 1, 2015

Bug. Bugg. Buggs.

The new challenge over at Haunted Design House is a 
theme that is near and dear to my heart,
I'm mainly partial to the bugs and the gems. Still not
quite sure what a "gewgaw" is, but I think it's a
non-essential embellishment. I've got those in spades, too.

I have quite a few framed insect/bug specimens in my collection,
so I figured it would be cool to make my very own specimens.

I got the idea from an episode of America's Next Top Model, where the 
models had to pose with hissing cockroaches that were on leashes 
and covered in jewels.

I used a rubber cockroach I picked up on clearance at Wally World
after Halloween. It comes with a small glow stick you can insert into the  
abdomen for a cool effect. Maybe I'll try and get pics of  that later.
I had a hell of a time getting the jewels to stick to the stretchy rubber 
the bug is made of, but Glossy Accents came through in the end.
I painted the frame with black paint, dry brushed red glitter paint on the edges
and sides, and then added a couple of stamped flourishes embossed 
with red foil embossing powder.  Lastly, I sealed it with a coat or two of
gloss medium.
This spider was hard plastic, with a hollow body on the back making
it difficult to glue into place. So, this guy is something of a wanderer. 

He goes very nicely with my spider web under glass, don't you think?

And he looks right at home among the other oddities and creepies
on my mantle.

Thanks for dropping by today.
Be sure to check out the other bugs, rhinestones, and fancy bits 
over at HDH!!  



  1. AWESOME Glo :-) These are really creepy gorgeous :-D I saw that episode too and I thought the models and bugs looked so cool :-)

    IKE xxx

  2. Oh Fabulous!!! I love these wee spideys! And love your mantle! My kids would freak tho!! mo xxx

  3. These are amazing! I love the spider and the cockroach! Wow! I wish I had a job where I could wear these without scaring the shit out of the children :D

  4. Looks like you are having fun and the art is creepy all right. Enjoyed your post.


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