Current Design Teams

Sunday, February 15, 2015

It's a Love/Hate Thing

To say that I don't like angels or cherubs would be a bit of a misnomer.
While I am not a fan of the angelics in the classical sense, I do enjoy them
once they are adequately "repurposed".

I was out thrifting with a friend a few weeks ago and she spotted this
delicious assortment of ceramic angel ornaments.
$2.00 for the entire lot of 10. Super sweet deal!

I knew immediately what I was going to do to each and every one of those
little fellas. I was gonna "fix 'em". And fix 'em good!
I started off with a nice coat of gesso to get everything ready for
what was to come... 

All better!

I got out the polymer clay and began to sculpt a fleshy
heart over the existing one. I made sure it was beefy enough
to accommodate a big ol' chunk being gnawed out of it.
I also gave him a head wound. Might as well, huh? 

I made over his wings with a bit more clay. I ended them in points,
more like bat wings. I like them better that way.
Then he got the standard coats of Hauser Light Green
acrylic paint for his skin, and various shades of acrylics
for his remaining colored parts. I added some glittery pink
paint on the heart to make it purty. Same goes for the purty
red paint, too.     

Lastly, the whole caboodle got a wash of black paint
to help bring out all of the details, and a layer of 
Inka Gold in purple was added to the wings for one last
dose of dark angel glam.

This was made specifically for the current challenge going   
on this month at Haunted Design House. The theme is
It's a Love/Hate Thing.
Interpret that any which way you'd like. Drop by HDH for
some killer inspiration.  


  1. That's so beautiful. And creepy. But mostly beautiful.
    - Jessa

  2. I've passed on many a beautiful antique simply because there was a cherub or two on it. Now if they'd looked like yours ... totally different story! ;)

  3. Yes re-purposed is GOOD!!! I truly love your altered Cupid! I am going to go look in your store to see if you have posted it! I would so buy this from you! I think you did an out standing job! (You always do tho.)

  4. Too f'ing fabulous! LOVE that transformation. That big bite is especially yummy! LOL there's gonna be a fight over this one. xxD

  5. Phenomenal. It looks so much better with the way you have fixed it. Love the colours and never know how you get that amazing look! x

  6. That's a fabulous remake! I love the head wound, and the bat tipped wings are brilliant! Great sculpting and perfect colors! Whenever I see cherubs I think of you. x


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