Current Design Teams

Monday, February 16, 2015

I didn't think it was possible...

Today I have a very CAS card design for your viewing pleasure.
These sweeties are a new image from Aurora Wings called,

I love color, so it was kind of hard for me to choose just one, 
or even a couple of favorites for this elf and her kitty. 
I didn't think it was possible, but I found that after I had chosen
to use most of my favorite colors, I was unable to find any papers
to go along with the colored image. 
I had colored myself into a corner with this one. 
After pushing papers around for more hours than I care to admit to,
I just went with a very CAS layout with a simple sentiment stamped
directly onto the card.
I'm sure it may have been easier had I just went with a normal flesh tone
for the elf, but the fantasy in me always wants to color fae in fantastical
tones. I mean, why not? How often do you get to color someone with blue green
or purple skin? I love how she turned out, and probably would choose
all the same shades if I colored her over again. 
And I did consider it for a moment...

This card is for the new challenge at Aurora Wings challenge blog
where the theme is Lucky Color(s).  

Sunday, February 15, 2015

It's a Love/Hate Thing

To say that I don't like angels or cherubs would be a bit of a misnomer.
While I am not a fan of the angelics in the classical sense, I do enjoy them
once they are adequately "repurposed".

I was out thrifting with a friend a few weeks ago and she spotted this
delicious assortment of ceramic angel ornaments.
$2.00 for the entire lot of 10. Super sweet deal!

I knew immediately what I was going to do to each and every one of those
little fellas. I was gonna "fix 'em". And fix 'em good!
I started off with a nice coat of gesso to get everything ready for
what was to come... 

All better!

I got out the polymer clay and began to sculpt a fleshy
heart over the existing one. I made sure it was beefy enough
to accommodate a big ol' chunk being gnawed out of it.
I also gave him a head wound. Might as well, huh? 

I made over his wings with a bit more clay. I ended them in points,
more like bat wings. I like them better that way.
Then he got the standard coats of Hauser Light Green
acrylic paint for his skin, and various shades of acrylics
for his remaining colored parts. I added some glittery pink
paint on the heart to make it purty. Same goes for the purty
red paint, too.     

Lastly, the whole caboodle got a wash of black paint
to help bring out all of the details, and a layer of 
Inka Gold in purple was added to the wings for one last
dose of dark angel glam.

This was made specifically for the current challenge going   
on this month at Haunted Design House. The theme is
It's a Love/Hate Thing.
Interpret that any which way you'd like. Drop by HDH for
some killer inspiration.  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day Sweetie

In an ongoing attempt to use images in my collection
that I haven't used before, here is a beautiful image from
Sweet Pea Stamps drawn by Enys Guerrero.

She's called, Magical Steam Girl.
And I do think she turned out quite magical.
She's been in my stash of digis for far too long.

I backed her on to a distressed dark mahogany stock.
I thought it really made the pinks pop. I used a favorite paper
from MME Lost and Found paper pad.  

When I ordered this die I didn't realize it had hearts
in the design of the cogs. I don't "do" hearts as a rule
so this die sat stagnant for a while. It goes really sweetly 
with this image. 

More hearts. I heat embossed the gear diecut with 
bronze and gold embossing powders. I like the addition
of the gumdrop hearts and dewdrops. They add a nice
dimension and texture.

Adding the heart banner die cuts really topped it all off.
I needed something at the top of the card and they were perfect!

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

For my King

Now just because I have pretty much denounced 
Valentine's Day as a whole, doesn't mean that I don't make
a card for my husband every year. He deserves it.

But like most things, I can't be serious.
I have no problem with being heartfelt, but it's gotta
make ya smile, too.

I just got some new Stampotique stamps, and since one of them
was the Daniel's Hearts stamp I thought it only fitting to use it
as a background for my V Day cards.

After stamping the hearts in a varied pattern, I used a
waterbrush and Distress Inks to paint them. I also added
splatters of white and black Dylusions ink to lend to the messy
watercolor painting.

Wolfie King kinda spoke to me and convinced me
he was perfect for my husband's kooky card.
I think he was right. Especially after coloring him
with Copics, adding Stickles to his star belt buckle, and 
topping off his crown with rhinestones. 
He is quite the stunner.   

I used my Dymo maker to make the sentiment, which is
a little inside joke. If you know me at all, you know I don't
suffer fools or weak men easily or at all. Nor am I one
to bow down to anyone, so this sentiment is completely dripping
in sarcasm. That being said, my husband is the closest thing ever to
a governing force of my fantastical realm. He pays the bills.

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:

Monday, February 2, 2015

Who are you calling, "Pugly"?

My son likes Pugs. 
So when I saw this Kira Nichols stamp at Stampotique
I knew I could use it in many different ways just for him. 

I thought that this sentiment from Ginger's House was perfect for
our sweet little Pug friend. Made me chuckle...

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:

On a side note, I received a free 2015 calendar from the ASPCA.
I decided to just use the freebie as opposed to giving it to my son,
and then buying myself a ridiculously priced character calendar like usual.

Knowing that it's an animal shelter calendar I knew to expect some
sad stories and even some sad photos, but damn! 

Poor, sweet Ollie has no eyes. I had a cat with one eye years ago.
She was the softest, sweetest, kitty ever. I miss Nicki (Na-Na).
BUT, I just couldn't bare to see poor eyeless Ollie all month, 
so I fixed him!

Wonky googly eyes are better than  no eyes, right?
Now Ollie makes me smile everytime I see him.

Thanks for stopping by and tolerating me.