Current Design Teams

Monday, January 19, 2015

Very Anti-Valentine

It's been far too long since I've blogged.
I kinda miss it. I got super burnt out after the 31 Days of Halloween.
I was creatively paralyzed for the entire month of November and most
of December, too. I think I have successfully corralled my mojo, 
slapped a saddle on that bitch, and am ready to ride.

The new theme over at Aurora Wings is 
Pro/Anti Valentine.
C'mon, let's face it, Valentine's Day isn't for everyone. 
After 40 something years of falling prey to the financial
expectations of the holiday, the glitter and sparkle has faded.
I'm over it, and have decided to not hold my husband to an unattainable
standard set by big business any longer. He's still pretty drained financially
from Xmas, so it's not a big deal. Besides, he spoils me periodically
with flowers and trinkets all year long anyway. He's a keeper.

So with all of that said, I have decided to go with the 
Anti-Valentine option of the challenge.

I chose to use my absolute favorite Aurora Wings Flower Sprite
He's perfect for an anti-Valentine, dontcha think?

I began by coloring the sprite in lovely purple shades.
The first time I colored him I kept him in red shades.
I think I like the purple better. 
I manipulated the image in Gimp, and laid the text over the top of it.
I also sang "Love Stinks", by the J. Geils Band the entire time, too.

I decided to make a 6"x6" canvas, and prepped it using brown acrylic paint,
 and crackle medium on all of the edges. I rubbed a darker shade of brown paint
into the crackle once it was cured to make the cracks really show up.

I distressed various papers in browns, that complimented one another.
The use of distress ink in walnut, and frantage really helped to tie it all together. 

I added a couple of paper flowers and some burlap ribbon for some added 
interest. I really love all the textures. 

I also used some pearl thingies on top of a nearly over-distressed doily.
I mean that thing has more ink on it than the rest of the entire project.
Very absorbent little sucker.
I used Platinum  Stickles on the distressed edges of the papers on the
perimeter of the canvas. Gives it another nice layer of sparkle. I also like 
to splatter white Dylusion ink on everything for a nice, cohesive effect, too.
And lastly, I added a smattering of lavender jewels to tie in with the purple
Corpse Flower. 

I am pretty pleased with myself this time around.

Please stop by the Aurora Wings challenge blog to see all of the 
other wonderful work by the rest of the design team.
Who knows? You may be so inspired that you'll want to play along with 
us this month. Stranger things have happened.



  1. OMG, your canvas ROCKS! and of course I love the image you chose. (wink, wink) Gotta say the layers are fabulous (I'm especially fond of the bug paper, how fitting.) And WOW on the Frantage. Still haven't gotten the nerve to try that stuff. Gettin' quite a giggle here. xxD

  2. Glo I absolutely love this canvas, the design, the papers and the fab image too, totally AWESOME!!!!
    Huge Hugz, Lorraine xx

  3. This is so well done, Glo! I love getting to see additional pics that show all the details and work that has gone into the creation of this square canvas. Everything is done so professionally. Simply inspired piece of art! Love this so much!!

    Mitzi xxx

  4. You should be well pleased with yourself, Glo! Your layers on the canvas are sumptuous and beautifully detailed! And your coloring is divine!! It's a pleasure to meet someone from the creepy side of crafting, lol! Have you found me through Ike? I'm sorry it's taken me so long to return the flavor, but I'm happy to be following you now, too! I hope to see you again soon! Hugs, Darnell

  5. Well girly you still got it!! Your mojo that is, this is so rocking, I love it! Love all of your texture, papers and embllies you have going on here! Super great MM canvas!

  6. Ummm, think that mojo is back, with a bang! What a beautiful piece and just love the stinky feel about this. Great splatters, papers, and wow on all the fab embellies. Love that trim!

  7. AWESOME !!! That is a fantastic piece :-) I truly agree with your sentiment too LoL
    IKE xx


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