Current Design Teams

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Steampunk Puzzle Art

A dear friend purchased a children's puzzle with pretty large pieces.
She sent puzzle pieces to various friends and asked them to customize the
pieces and send them back so she could put them all back together in
one large art puzzle. Kinda like ATCs, but they will all interconnect.
Cool, right? The only limitations are your edges. You don't want to overlap
onto someone else's piece. 

Wanna see what I did? 

I got two connecting puzzle pieces to work with. This allowed me to expand
quite a bit, and make a pretty good sized piece. 

I reached for one of my unused Stampotique stamps
called, "Oh Boys". I felt these guys deserved a good inking.
And in keeping with my 2015 goal of using any previously
unused images or products. I'm doing pretty good so far.
The boys fit perfectly in the little chipboard peephole/label that I added some
plastic packaging to the back of, to mimic glass. 

I used different embossing folders (diamond plate, rivets, gears)
to give the industrial/Steampunk feel I was going after for this project.
I used cardstock and some aluminum tape I picked up at the $Store. 
Worked great! I colored it with various alcohol inks, and then splattered some
black and white Dylusions on everything to make it really grungy. 

I used Crackle Accents and Glossy Accents on a few gear die cuts,
and used the Glossy Accents to glue down the actual metal bits I used. 
I mounted the peephole using foam tape for dimension.
I'm pretty thrilled with this piece. Great fun to create!
Thanks for the chance to play along, Kristy. 

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:  
Stampotique Designer's Challenge - New Year's Resolution
(to use previously unused stamps like "Oh Boys!")


  1. What a neat idea! I hope that when this all gets returned and assembled into the original puzzle, you can show us what it looks like! Thanks for sharing this with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

  2. That is an interesting idea! Your contribution to the project came out nicely.

  3. Wow! I love your mini piece of Art, so much texture & dimension & even a focal image, despite the size. What a fabulous alternative to ATCs. Thank you so much for sharing this inspirational piece with us at Left of Centre Challenges. AEL x

  4. that is a great idea for a swap. I'd love to see the whole puzzle together when the hostess gets all the pieces back. Your piece is delightfully textured and grungy. =) Thanks for joining us at Inspiration Journal this month!

  5. What an awesome project! I love your piece. Totally amazing and fun all around!~kim

  6. I just love this, it's so awesome! Thanks for joining us over at Stampotique

  7. How cool, Glo! I bought a big puzzle to play with at a thrift store (and of course, haven't yet) but the idea that this one is going into a collaborative effort makes it all the more fun. LOVE your piece and just may be inspired to try it myself. xxD

  8. This was a really cool idea. I'd love to see the whole collective piece when its finished. Nice work.

  9. Beautiful!!! That's real art!!!

    Thank you for joining our challenge at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps!

  10. Oh wowzers! I am so excited!! I really did sequel when I pulled up your blog! I really truly love your 2 puzzle pieces! I think it's great how you joined them for one great set up! Love your idea with the plastic packaging, I am digging those splatter marks too! OH!! I just cant wait to get me hands on these bad boys! Thank you so much, you have made my whole week!!!

  11. This is brilliant, I love the rusty metallic feel, and the 'boys' look fabulous. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Stampotique. Sue xx

  12. This is so f***in cool - I'm speechless! Want it <3
    Thanks for joining us at the Stampotique Designers Challenge :)

    xx Arwen

  13. Absolutely love the altered piece and all the elements going on! Thanks for playing with us at Left of Center this week!


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