Current Design Teams

Friday, January 23, 2015

Look who's on a roll!

Not bad. Five posts already this month.
So far so good with keeping up with posts,
despite the fact that no one hardly seems to stop by
very much anymore. That's cool though, as I look at this
blog as an indelible record of my thoughts and artwork from 
this point in my life. More for me and my kid than anyone else.
But it's still nice to think folks will drop by and enjoy what they see
and read here.
And as usual, I digress...

I made another ATC. I really enjoy making these things.
The current theme over at Wicked Wednesday is
Pink, Black, and White.

Pretty sure that I nailed it. 
Definitely one of  my favorite color schemes.

In keeping with another want for the new year, I am using 
a previously unused digi image. This one is from the now defunct,
Birdie Brown. I adore Torico's simplistic, and sweet style.
I'm sure you'll be seeing more of her art, as I have amassed quite a collection.
Yes, another "collection".
I kinda panicked when she announced she was closing her shop...

After coloring this sweet image with Copics, I added some
white highlights with a Gelly Roll pen, and some Fruit Punch 
Stickles for sparkle. I also added a couple of steampunk corner
accents, complete with rhinestone centers.

Thanks for stopping by today.
I really do appreciate those of you who stop by, and especially
when you take the time to leave me a comment.

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:


  1. Oh, that is just darling !!! What a brilliant little image and I just LUV your colour scheme. :-) Very well done for keeping up with your posting :-D
    I used one of your little Skullies you sent me on my latest creation for OSAAT - due up tomorrow :-D

    IKE xxxx

  2. Hello! I've been lax at visiting recently, but your makes are ALWAYS perfect, and yup, you definitely nailed this one. Plus, I'm working on an AIW piece just now but none of the bunnies I have are "quite" right, so when I saw this one I was going to pay a visit to the shop. Ah well, serves me right for not finding it when the shop was still open, my search will continue.

  3. Oh my gosh, Glo - this is absolutely amazing. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
    Thanks for playing with us at Wicked Wednesday! xo

  4. She is awesome! The color scheme is wonderful! Wonderful image and LOVE the rabbit. The steampunk corners are brilliant. You definitely nailed it!

  5. A gorgeous atc. A fantastic image and love how you colored her. That bunny is just so precious. Thanks for linking up to Wicked Wednesday :)

  6. I'm still here too! :) I started following your blog a few years ago, when I first started mine. You were one of the first people I found who appreciates the creepier things in life! (I have since grown to expand my love for cuteness, etc.) but creepy oddities hold a special place in my heart. I am happy you are still here! Your work is inspiring and fun!

  7. Terrific ATC, of course your coloring is fantastic! One of my fav color schemes too! Love your creation!

  8. I found your blog from Darnell's website and love this card and your coloring...fantastic. Birdie Brown is one of my favorites as well. I'm joining as one of your newest "follower". I hope you will visit my blog also and perhaps follow me too. Looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful cards and creativity!

  9. Well WooHoo! look a you! Gotta say I'm swooning over this image. Pissed you didn't get your rear in gear fast enough for me to nab it myself. LOL This is totally precious! love the colors and those fab Steampunk corners. xxD

  10. Hi Glo. Nice work on the ATC. Really cute.

  11. Congrats on the win at Wicked Wednesday :) FYI we have a Facebook group and your ATC will be showcased there :)

  12. Hi!
    What a lovely card which fits our Wonderland theme very well!
    I like your colorscheme! The sparkles are the cherry on the cake ;)
    Good luck in the draw!
    Linda DT CCC

  13. Just spotted this on Pinterest and had to come take a look. I am so sad to hear that the artist has now stopped trading - it's such a cute image. Love the clean colour scheme x


Feel free to comment or just vent.