Current Design Teams

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Cactus Love

Back in 1991 I was living in Sylmar, Ca., and I 
lived downstairs from an amazing woman named, Rusty LaCroix.
She was a red-headed, Irish spitfire who took no guff from anyone.
She had some health issues and spent quite a bit of time in her apartment.
She pretty much had a jungle growing in her living room window.
She shared many plant cuttings and growing tips with me, but the one thing
she shared with me that gave me the most joy was a Christmas Cactus cutting.
I have had the plant from that cutting for well over 20 years, so when Mitzi from
Aurora Wings drew up a Christmas Cactus Sprite I was immediately in love.
But then it hit me. My puppy Gabbi, had eaten that plant this summer. Damn!
I was now kinda sad, as that plant always reminded me of Rusty, and was the one
plant I had that bloomed so beautifully in December. Sad face.

And then I remembered that I did salvage some clippings from what
Gabbi didn't gobble.  

And to my surprise and sheer joy, they were blooming!!!
All is right with the world now. I'll get this beauty transplanted
and relocated to higher ground this coming spring.    

The gorgeous fuchsia color was my inspiration for this card.
This cutie is for the new challenge at Aurora Wings challenge blog,
"All That Glitters"

I went with a Christmas theme, but any type of glittery creation is
welcome for this challenge.

I added Stickles to the background paper, the sentiment tag, and
I outlined the Sprite in it as well. It is a glittery challenge, right?

Thanks for stopping by today.
Be sure to check out all of the sparkly treasures the DT created over


  1. Great story with a happy ending, Glo. So nice that you were able to salvage some of your cherished Christmas cactus. And WOW on your coloring of this little Sprite! Love the bright fuchsia and acid green. Merry and bright for sure! Love, love, LOVE! xxD

  2. Absolutely gorgeous Glo! Love the beautiful colours and the layout is fab too. Huge Hugz, Lorraine xx

  3. This is so darned cute, and Yay that your cactus survived getting mauled :D I wouldn't normally do this, but there's a piece on my blog that made me think of you as I was creating it, so now I'm guilting you into a visit :P

  4. What a fun sprite...and what a nice memory of your friend. Thanks so much for playing along in the Bling It On Challenge with us over at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog this week :)

  5. this is gorgeous love it bless you for playing at TCP This week love hugs cheryl xxx

  6. Love your card and coloring....nice to see such a bright card for our Holiday Joy challenge with Lacy Sunshine Stamps.
    Marilyn DT

  7. Fun Christmas Card, thanks for joining us at Open Minded Challenges this fortnight

  8. Gorgeous image and beautifully coloured.

    Thanks for sharing with us at Open_minded Crafting Fun.
    Julie DT

  9. Gorgeous card and love the backstory! Thank you so much for playing along with us in our "Holiday Joy" challenge at Lacy Sunshine. We're so happy you joined us! Please visit us, again! ~~Sammibug~~ DT Member for Lacy Sunshine.

  10. such a beautiful card in non traditional it and the back story! thank you for joining us for the christmas challenge on the that craft place challenge blog!


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