Current Design Teams

Friday, October 3, 2014

Trick or Treat Day 3

So far so good. Three days in a row is pretty good for me.
Let's see how I'm doing once we hit the double digits.

Today I have a super creepy cute image from Aurora Wings.
I made a page in a Halloween themed paper bag album 
that I started last year. Can we say pro-cras-tinate? 
Better late than never....
Check out these two Trick or Treat Boys.
They look like they're up to no good in that cemetery.  

I just love this image!! So much fun to color up with Copics.
I tend to always lean towards the brighter shades of color for
most of my makes. This is no exception. Gotta make that image pop
against that neutral background dp from Martha Stewart.  

Let's no forget their four legged friend who is very
much in the spirit of things. Such a wonderfully sweet detail.   

After coloring everyone, I trimmed them out and added glossy accents
to the candy apple of death and the brain cupcake. Those things are
supposed to glisten, right? Mission accomplished.  
I die cut a Spellbinders cemetery scene, highlighted it with purple 
Inka Gold rub, and did the same with the MS bat fence, but used green
metallic rub instead. I popped pretty much everything up on foam dots 
to give a nice 3D feel to this piece.

One more page done in my Halloween album.
I think I may actually get it finished this year. 

Be sure to check out the showcase post with all of the
amazing variations of this image made by the Showcase DT
at Aurora Wings Showcase blog. Thanks for having me ladies.  

Thanks for swinging by today.
I'll be back tomorrow with pics of my Halloween schtuff,
and a cool card, too!

Please note that all of the links to the 31 Days of Halloween and
the Countdown to Halloween are in my sidebar. There's tons of 
cool stuff being posted daily (by most of us) so be sure to check back
so you don't miss anything.   


  1. Now those are some costumes and superb goodies. I would keep the little critters

  2. Oh Glo, this is fabulous! I love the colouring, love the 3D background, your dies and embellies! Fabulous project! x

  3. Your coloring with the Copics is super! I too love the brights against the dark; they just seem to jump out at you! Super page!

  4. OMG, how ADORABLE! Love the gorgeous bright coloring against the dark background, Glo. Love the 3D. FABULOUS! xxD

  5. Thanks for joining the Showcase DT girls with this one, Glo! Love your clear bright reds and greens on the image. All the details are just perfect - I especially love the fence! Thanks for this fabulous make!

    Mitzi xxx

  6. these guys are so FUN! What a detailed and amazing creation for today. You have certainly gone ALL OUT! loving it :)

  7. The trick or treaters are definitely up to mischief! Love how you colors pop! Thanks for sharing such amazing art!~kim

  8. A fantastic image from Aurora Wings, beautifully coloured and embellished.
    The Nanny x

  9. Love the coloring (especially the green hair!) and the layering! Very nice!

  10. I say it is never too late to start (or finish) anything. I love this project. your coloring and the little details you added are fabulous.

  11. Do you have to ask what my favorite part is?
    of course our sheets would never be that white.
    Love the pale, ghostly background and then the brilliant pop of colors.

  12. What a cool 3D scene! Love the dog ghost, how utter cute! Thank you for sharing with us!

    1. You know, after another really good look at this card; I noticed that the brain was a cupcake topper! How cool is that?

  13. This is so very cute! Love the ghostie dog

  14. I think you are absolutely right. They definitely look up to no good. So cute.

  15. Those colours really pop! Love the contrasts!

  16. Fun, fun, fun!!! Fab coloring!

  17. Wonderful page, love that image and you've colored those boys beautifully.


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