Current Design Teams

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Three Little Ghouls Day 8

Day 8 of the Countdown to Halloween and
I have been feeling a little under the weather, so this is going to
pretty quick and painless today.

One of my favorite places to shop online is Retro Cafe Art.
They have some of the coolest schtuff for mixed media crafting.
I love their shrine kits and ATC door shrines. This is a Halloween Fairy Box. 
I used a  crackle technique, and I really like the way it turned out.   

I had to make an ATC to go with it, didn't I? 
I used a new, yet super simple technique for the background,
and '3 in a Round', from Stampotique.
I fussy cut the fellas out and recreated their spiral like the
original stamp. 

I can fit quite few ATCs in this thing. Maybe I'll have it filled 
by the end of the month. 

Thanks for stopping by today.
See ya tomorrow!


  1. How clever! A fairy box of course I love it! Great job on the crackle finish! I would love to know the technique you used on the background it is fantastic and the little ghouls....awww so freakishly sweet!! Love it!

  2. FAb little box, love the crackle. that reminds me I have so retro Art Cafe schtuff waiting to be played with. totally adore the ATC. One of my fave Stampotique stamps and the background ROCKS! Feel better, you! xxD

  3. Tie dye! Love it.

    I did not picture fairies choosing such a gloomy place to hang out.

  4. I love everything about this project--the box, the crackle, the stampotique image, the background! Fantastic!

  5. I will find a way to make one of these one day. I love the box.

  6. Love both of these projects. The crackling is a great idea and love the colors on your ATC. Hope you get to feelin better soon.

  7. Love your fairy box and the ATC is awesome. Great cool colors, thanks for the linky on how-to.
    Feel better soon!

  8. Wow! I love the wee box and how you've altered it. The ATC to go in is amazing! I love that technique, popped over and left some love there and dont be surprised if I try this later in the month!! :) Love the stamp you've used too! :) x

  9. Love the colourful ATC and the spooky 'container'!

  10. Totally wicked fairy box and ATC, I love all the techniques you used, superb! Feel better soon!

  11. Wonderful altered fairy box and that ATC is gorgeous with those bright colors.

  12. I love Retro Art Café online too! They have the coolest stuff! I like what you've done with their products!


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