Current Design Teams

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Battling the Snot Monster Day 11

Day 11 of the Countdown to Halloween and

I am currently battling the snot monster, and it's winning.
Such a bummer to be sick during the best month of the entire year.
But I am going to overload on some meds and decorate my house
this weekend. I haven't been up to decorating for the past two years 
(my Mom passed away the first year, and I just wasn't feelin' it the next), 
but I am going to do it this year. Come hell or high water, it's gonna happen.

I made a cute ATC to go in my ATC graveyard box.
I used a sweet image from Birdie Brown, but unfortunately
she no longer sells her digis. She does design for MFT though.
The background is left over from a fun and easy technique I tried, 
and some stamps that were heat embossed.

Thanks for stopping by today.
I promise to have some cool schtuff to show you tomorrow.
HINT: Universal Monsters   


  1. I was worrying about you today. DRUGS! You need DRUGS! Adorable ATC, gotta try that background technique. So glad to hear you're up to decorating this year. xxD

  2. Sorry you're still feeling under the weather....maybe your win at Ike's will help send the snot monster running! Love this little cutie - great background....can't wait to see what's coming...

  3. Hope you feel better soon. ATC is great, love the colors and the cute image.

  4. Oh Glo, this is fabulous! Is that the dylusions backgrounds you were doing the other day - I played about yesterday and have a little pile of backgrounds ready to go! Love the stamping and embossing on there and the image is so cute too! mo x

  5. Well she must be thee cutest snot monster I ever did see! Sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom, big hug, sorry you're sick but glad you're getting the best of the snot monster and hope you get to enjoy your decorating! Domino Hugs! Leigh

  6. Your snot monster is too cute! Lovely coloring! I hope you kick your own snooty monster far away! Rest up looking forward to seeing more!

  7. Cute little ATC . Love your Background and this little monster. Just remember this too ( your being sick ) shall pass.

  8. This little monster is great! I love the colours of your atc. Super job!

  9. Awesome background! And the image is super cool! Glad you emotionally are up to decorating this year and hope physically the sickness leaves so you can! So sorry for your loss! Lots of love!

  10. I've been battling my own Snot Monster, so I can sympathize! Hard to be doing blogs when snot monsters are so relentless in their onslaught....

  11. Fabulous ATC, love the colors and the background. I hope you feel better soon.

  12. Frightfully good card. I love the colors.

    I wish you were feeling better. Maybe doing some decorating will lift your spirits.

  13. Cute ATC! Hope you get to feeling better!

  14. this will be a perfect addition to your graveyard. Now get to decorating

  15. Love your ATC's! Always nice. Sorry to hear that you are at battle with the snot monster. How many different ATC boxes/collections do you have? Would love to trade sometime!


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