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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Autumn People Day 5

I have always considered myself to be an 'Autumn People'.

“For these beings, fall is ever the normal season, the only weather, there be no choice beyond. Where do they come from? The dust. Where do they go? The grave. Does blood stir their veins? No: the night wind. What ticks in their head? The worm. What speaks from their mouth? The toad. What sees from their eye? The snake. What hears with their ear? The abyss between the stars. They sift the human storm for souls, eat flesh of reason, fill tombs with sinners. They frenzy forth....Such are the autumn people.”             

  - Ray Bradbury 

Even though the calendar says October, it's gonna be pretty hot 
this weekend in California. We're talking 90+ degrees all up and 
down the state. So Cal may even see triple digit temps. Gah! 

This image by Regan Kubecek makes me long for the cool Autumn days.
It is called, 'October Winds', afterall. 

Yes, that's more like it! 
I colored the image with Copics in my usual bright shades of the holiday. 
I was going for a late fall sunset vibe.

Isn't she cute? In a slightly cross-eyed way?

Perfect sentiment from Ginger's House, and some TH bat border
to finish it up on the inside.

Thanks for stopping by for the 31 Days of Halloween and
the Countdown to Halloween. Links for both month long hops 
are in my sidebar. 

My new collection of glass pumpkins for this year.

I love mercury glass.

And crackle glass, too.  
Crackled mercury glass makes me all warm and cozy inside.....


  1. Amazing! I love your colouring, the card is fabulous and the colours are awesome! She is a bit crosseyed looking, but so cute! x

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! Love the colors, that sky is amazing!

  3. Those bright colors are so great! And the picture matches the sentiment exactly! You seemed to get the exact results you were looking for! Great job! And your coloring is so good..not good..awesome fantastic!

  4. Yeah, we're bailing to Carmel today to beat the heat. should be perfect there. what a fabulous image and gorgeous coloring. I really dig that sentiment, too (especially now!) Love, love, LOVE! xxD

  5. I adore your holiday shades.
    Perfectly colored right now to the details on her wings.

  6. such a fabulous coloring job I don't think I can do better. Love seeing the entire card with the pumpkins and the witch. Have fun with your new glass pumpkins and I hope they make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

  7. Love this entire posting, so much good stuff! I can't wait till CA decides to have Autumn weather!
    This card is stunning and gorgeous, LOVE your brilliant colors! Thanks so much!~kim

  8. Wonderful colours and back the image she is so cute!

  9. Love the colors!!!! Great sentiment and those bats are fun!

  10. I'm in SoCal too and thought Winter Was Coming 2 weeks ago but I guess Summer had other thoughts, it will be here none the less so I'm enjoying the warmth while I can ;0) Fab image, beautifully coloured, love that Autumn People story...squirreling it away for future use!

  11. I love your project and I love your pumpkins and coo... that quote from Ray Bradbury... so creepy!

  12. Great image and coloring. thank you for sharing your project and the lovely pumpkins too!

  13. Gorgeous colouring, I am intimidated looking at the size of the image and lots of space to fill in. I love the colour choices.

    Ontario Canada has moved into Fall - cool weather, rain and leaves dropping off the trees

  14. Wow so beauitfully coloured! Those are pretty funky pumpkins, too!

  15. Enjoyed reading your post - I have just come back to the UK to live after India and before that Abu Dhabi - I know exactly what you mean about different seasons! Love those pumpkins too...but to talk about your card - lovely image and colouring!

  16. A fabulous coloring job! You definitely got that late autumn sunset nailed!

  17. Love the card and those pumpkins! Nice color combo!


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