Current Design Teams

Friday, August 8, 2014

Marie Nyantoinette Showcase

Well, it looks like Mitzi at Aurora Wings has done it again.
She has created another beautiful Marie Antoinette image.

And this one is pretty special. 

Say hello to her little friend!
How cute is that kitteh with a wig on?!! 
I have a weakness for animals in wigs and hats, so this was an instant

I colored Marie and her fuzzy friend with Copics, in browns and red violets.
I finally decided on some yellow greens to offset the overabundance of
brown and red violet shades. 

This was my first version of the background.
I pretty much hated it the second I was done with it, but after
a pep talk from my son, I decided to re-do the background to
provide more contrast for Marie.
Man, I love my Copics. What a great medium. 

Lastly, I added some sparkle with platinum and cinnamon Stickles. 

I popped her into a 5"x7" frame to accommodate the larger sized
image, and she's ready for her big showcase debut.
Please drop by the Aurora Wings Showcase blog to see all of the 
inspired and talented work of the participating DT members.


  1. Gorgeous coloring Glo and WooHoo for Gryphon. That new background is just purrrfect! Love her in that frame. Yummy! xxD

  2. Hi Glo wow you have worked your magic on this gorgeous image and made her even more Gorgeous great colouring and details
    Jacki x

  3. Love your choice to go pink with the big hair and kitty's wig!! Great job on the background, too. So glad you had your son giving you a pep talk. :D Kids are great! I'm drooling all over for that frame now that I've seen the whole thing! It really is perfect for your colored image. LOVE!

    Big hugs,
    Mitzi xxx

  4. Hi, you won a prize at Artistic Inspirations.
    Marie Antoinette very beautiful, but there is something scary in her eyes. I wouldn't like to meet her ;-)


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