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Sunday, July 20, 2014

She gets me, and I get her

The week before last, I received a very disturbing phone 
call from a very dear friend. I could hardly recognize her voice.
But I did make out that she had had a stroke.
I was, and still am, floored by this news.
She is only in her late 30's, takes great care of herself, has been
Vegan for pretty much all of her life. WTF?!
She had a double aneurysm, which fortunately was only leaking, and 
didn't burst. And then she had to have emergency brain surgery to 
stop the aneurysms, which has a 50% mortality rate all it's own.
Now she has a pretty shaved head, 50 staples, and a huge scar on her 
head. But she's alive, and making a great comeback.
All that said, she has a strange sense of humor, which makes sense that
we "get" each other so well. So, being the card maker that I am, 
I made her a get well card.

I'm pretty sure she's going to love this!

I used a great image from Smeared Ink's "Gross Anatomy" set, 
appropriately called, "Lobotomy".
I also got to use my tattered banners die from Tim Holtz for the
first time. I think I need some practice folding them, and it is better
to use a thicker card stock, as opposed to the thin paper I used.  

I am always saving weird pictures off the net.
This one is pretty weird.
I always tell my son that we had his tail cut off at birth.  

  And my witty sentiment on the inside.
I had to get that picture of the nurse in there somehow.
I cropped out the ventriloquist dummy lying on the cot at her feet.
It killed me to do so, but I ran out of room.

Thanks for dropping by today.
I'll have a few more weird get well creations in the coming weeks.
She already got her stitches out, and should be coming home this week!
I like to think it's my inspirational cards that have helped her to heal so quickly.    


  1. Whar a story, Wonderful and creative card! Hugs

  2. OMG! Scary what can happen at any age. Will be thinking of her. You're a good friend to cheer her up like this. I'm sure she's gonna love it. xxD (Gotta say that thing with the tail creeps me out (in a good way...sort of...well, maybe not...EEEEWWWW!!!!) LOL

  3. Fantastic recovery and happy to hear that it went so well for her, I'm sure she will love your card.
    Hugs, Elenor

  4. That card is fantastic! I hope your friend has a speedy recovery!

  5. Shit life is so fragile but a bloody great card and I'm sure she loved it
    Jacki x

  6. Oh WoW GLO.... that is just such a scary thing isn't it and sooo young !!!! I am glad she is recovering well and I am sure that it IS your kooky cards that are getting her recovering much quicker LoL

    Great make. :-D

    Mega Hugz

    IKE xxxx

  7. Fab job on this card! I think the banner looks great, just enough rough looking =). Such a wonderful story behind this card and all my best to a speedy recovery to your brave friend, she is lucky to have you. Great image and love that super witty saying. Awesome.


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