Current Design Teams

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Smudgy Circus and an Oddball

Today's post is playing double duty.
Lots of pictures to follow...

First up, is my weekly DT piece for Smeared Ink.
I have used the Circus Procession digi set for my
heart worm medicine box make-over. 

The box started out like this.
And after a few coats of gesso and paint, I have the perfect background
for these wonderfully vintage circus images.

Quite the transformation, if I do say so myself. 

I covered the pocket with dp and added the creepy clown. I popped a
tiny hat on his head to lend to his creepy vibe. I used the trapeze chicks
on a tag that fits right into the pocket. 

I used a Tim Holtz ATC sized embossing folder to make the ticket.
After randomly coloring it with fired brick and mustard seed distress inks,
 I ran it over a Versamark pad, hitting all the raised bits, and then 
clear embossed it to give it some shine and stability. Oh, and I added some
of my new Paprika Stickles on the edges for some sparkle. 
I am loving the new Stickles colors! 

Look! My very first hand made tassel!
I used some red and white baker's twine, and a YouTube video
to make the tassel.

This is the little insert box. I like it.

This guy gets a hat, too!
What circus is complete without specimens and freaks? 

I popped this on the back of the box, because it was too large to go
anywhere else. The bat is from the "A Little Bit Batty" digi set.
I added the wording myself in Gimp.

I'd like to enter this box makeover in the following challenge(s):

And now for something a little different.

I have been stalking this artist (Lizzie Love), and her woefully sad looking
big eyed girls. I was having a hard time deciding which image to 
buy from her Oddball Art Co. Etsy shop, and then she came out with a line of darker
images, and I was in love! She's called, Big Eye Zombie Girl Image No. 49.
I colored her with Copics using bright colors, trying to keep her girly looking.

I used some spider web die cuts and a TH die cut spider. Sorta looks like 
she's fighting the spider off using her umbrella. 

I added some ribbons to keep in the theme of 
"Ripped to Ribbons" at Haunted Design House.
And it made it girly to keep with the theme of Girly and Glam.
This is about as girly as I can get.

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:

Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. Lovely projects but I am In love with the second one...gahhhhhh! Love All things about it and have to hop on over to the etsy shop :-) . Hugs

  2. Ohhhhh fab projects!!! I love the level of detail you bring to your crafty awesomeness!!
    Thank for joining the sisterhood for the "R is for Ribbon" challenge!

  3. WOW, how cool is that box, Glo!?! Love all the separate elements and all together, what a fabbo make! Way to recycle! Love that sweet little Zombie! I have her (and quite a few others) but still haven't had time t play with them. Super cute in a wonderfully creepy sort of way. xxD

  4. This zombie girl card is perfection, I am in love!! thanks for joining us in the girly glam challenge. good luck!

    Oddball Art Design Team

  5. Loving all of your creations, I am in awe over the heartworm box transformation!!!!! WOW! I absolutely adore the zombie girl card as well, you colored her so beautifully!!!! :) Following now, love your blog!!!!

  6. You do a great job with cute and creepy! Wonderful coloring on the zombie girl. Thanks for joining us again at SOSS.

  7. Fabulous altered medicine box! Love it! Thanks for sharing with us at Altered Eclectics June Challenge.

  8. These projects are AMAZING! The level of detail (and creepy fun) in your box is astounding, and zombie girl is perfect. Thanks for joining the fun at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  9. Lovely projects, but especially like the zombie girl. Great design. Thanks for playing along with us at PCJ in our "Perfect in Pink Challenge" and good luck. Hugs, Gale DT

  10. Wow this is fab hun love it and I can tell so much work went into it. TFS with us Altered Eclectics this month.

  11. Wow! Love your projects....great details! Thanks for joining the R is for Ribbon Challenge at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  12. I love how you upcycled your medicine box! The elements are so cool and I love that tassle. Thanks so much for playing along with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge: Anything Goes!

  13. Thanks for sharing your creation with LOC! I love it - fantastic image - I might just have to have a look at Lizzie Love!

  14. ooooh! that's a fabulous card! love the colours and the dies, fab image!! Fabulous Card! Thanks for joining in our Girlie challenge at Left of Center! I hope you will join us At the Movies this fortnight! Mo dt coordinator xxx

  15. WOW! Jawdropper! Absolutely stunning!
    Thank you for joining us at Oddball Art Stamp Co. Challenge

    Huggsss, Angelique

  16. What a lovely project! Great colors. Perfect for our challenge at Crafting At the weekend. We hope to see you next time. Good luck!


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