Current Design Teams

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monochrome Goddess of Biro

Today marks the beginning of the second challenge for
Aurora Wings.
The new theme is monochromatic.

I chose to work with the gorgeous

I started out (after a few previously failed attempts) with an
8x10 canvas, and painted it with various hues of blue green
acrylic paints. I added some distress inked papers with script on it,
and used a matte medium to adhere it onto the canvas.
I salvaged an old earring, and added an evil eye charm, 
and a cool, hand of hamsa charm to it, in the hopes of
giving it a Balinese feel. Even though the hamsa is actually
a Jewish symbol, thought to give protection from the evil eye.  

 I added some white pearl acrylic paint accents and Stickles 
to the background, before adding the finished image.

This image is amazing! So much glorious detail (notice the three faces!). 
It was quite a challenge to color in a monochromatic color scheme, 
but I love how she turned out!
I almost ruined the entire colored image when I decided to add some
color to the edges. Total FAIL! Then I had to try and tear the edges off without
losing any of the image, or leaving any of the offensive color mistake.  

Thanks for stopping by!
Please drop by the Aurora Wings challenge blog and
see all of the beautiful DT work for this challenge.


  1. How stunningly beautiful that is Glo. :-) Awesome colouring and a fabulous colour :-D

    IKE xxx

    My Challenge Blog
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  2. WOW, what amazing coloring and detail on that intricate image, Glo! Fabulous background too and the torn edges I would call a "happy accident". They certainly look like part of the glorious plan. Love it! xxD

  3. Your colouring is awesome Glo and the whole canvas is fantastic.
    Janet xxx

  4. This is such a fantastic piece you made, Glo! The coloring is so gorgeous, and I love how you mounted it onto painted canvas with the pearls and circles, expanding the image's floating bubble detail outwards. Just stunning!! Hugs, Mitzi

  5. I thought you were brave (OK read MAD - LOL) to take on this for monochromatic but WOW WOW WOW what an AWESOME end result!

  6. Your stalker is back! I love this mixed-media piece. Your colors and coloring are amazing, along with your imagination! This is a project I would never get tired of looking at.

  7. Gorgeous. I love how you put all of the stages you do. x


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