Current Design Teams

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Scary Fairy

The current challenge over at HDH is
Frightening Fairies.
Pick a fairy, and make it creepy. Simple enough, right?
I was thinking a rogue Tooth Fairy who starts
pulling kid's teeth herself. With some rusty pliers.
But that didn't pan out, so I went a simpler route.

This is my "Death's Touch Fairy".
Whatever flora he touches, dies in seconds.
Kind of a harbinger of death for the flowers.

I started off with a cheesy plastic skeleton from Mike's.
I roughly painted him black, and heated his joints to make them pliable so 
I could bend them into a sitting position. I fashioned raggedy wings from
kraft glassine, distressed them, and attached them to the fairy's back. 

I colored a paper rose using the same colors of Dylusions sprays that I used
on the TH Tattered Flower, sitting atop some sphagnum moss in the bottom of
this recycled candle jar. Lastly, I added some crushed glass glitter to the center
of the Tattered Flower for some sparkle.   

That's my scary fairy.
Now show me yours!!!
Enter your Frightening Fairy over at HDH, here.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!!! Is that ever BRILLIANT! Couldn't be creepier. I ADORE it! xxD


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