Current Design Teams

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Kick Start Your Art Day 6

Today's Smeared and Smudged Kick Start Your Art theme is:

I may have gone a little overboard here....

Not terribly cohesive, but it is highly textural.

I used Dylusions on the background, along with a few stencils that are
no longer visible. I finally used modeling paste and a stencil. I have been meaning
to try this technique, and now I love it! 
The poison ticket has been dipped in extra thick embossing powder for a slick finish.

Used this specimen tag left over from another project. 

More modeling paste and TH shattered stencil.
I attached some tulle to the back of the tag and then melted it
a bit with a heat gun. 

Attached a wooden key, and then splattered black, brown, and white
Dylusions inks everywhere to try and pull it all together. 

Added some TH tinsel twine for more texture and interest.

And finally, I attached a scrap of burlap to the bottom for one last blast of 

Tomorrow is the final day of this really fun, yet challenging art journal challenge.
I have really enjoyed myself, and feel as though my art journaling skills have been
stretched and improved through this process.

Thank you for stopping by, and see you tomorrow!  


  1. OMG, those webs are immense! Gotta find a stencil like that. Really love the diverse textural elements of the page and the colors ROCK! xxD

  2. A looooot of textures, indeed !!! your page is great, love it !

  3. The texture is immense. I always love your close up shots, they look so cool. x

  4. I love it! Wonderful textures, so much fun.:) Thank you for playing with us!


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