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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Zombies, zombies, and more zombies!!!!

Last week would have been my Mom's 66th Birthday.
Kinda screwed up my week. I didn't even buy milk last week
cause the expiration date was her birth date. I know, lame.
But it's getting really rough around the holidays. Xmas was her favorite holiday.
She used to bake dozens of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from scratch
every year. Besides her, I think I'll miss those cookies the most.

So to bring me out of my funkity funk, I have been coloring and trying
to create cool schtuffs. One of my recent highlights has been making a new
friend in Deb at Dragon Wings and Fairy Things. I have found a 
kindred spirit in Deb. She has been a stalker of mine for a while now,
so I felt it was safer to befriend her, rather than getting a restraining order. LOL!
We decided to swap some RAK, and Deb spoiled me with so many cool 
things, but the gem of the swap were some rubber stamps that I had been
coveting for over a year.  
Zombie Wedding

Zombie Birthday

Zombie sentiments

After receiving these insanely awesome stamps, I decided to try to track them down
here in the states (I thought they were only available in Canada). They are put out
by Art Gone Wildand I found them available through Scrapbooking Warehouse.
They also had the best prices, too.

I just received the remaining four sets.
Zombie Graduation

Zombie Dance

Zombie Heads

Zombie Beach

Flippin' awesome, huh?
I love them!! And I can't wait to ink them all up.
So far, I have only made two cards using the sets that Deb sent me.

My FIL had a birthday on Sunday. 
I hope he didn't mind the RIP charm.
Argh! I just realized I forgot to add the pom pom 
onto the end of his hat! I hate it when I do that.

This is a total foreign color scheme for me, but I think it
conveys a masculine birthday feel. Kinda circus-y, but it works.

Out of all of the sets, this little lady is my absolute favorite!
I just love her under bite!!!
Of course I decked her out in pink and sparkles. She is a bride after all.

Well, the pink actually has more to do with the sentiment. 
Another great sentiment from Ginger's House.

I received some Frantage from Deb. I love the look of this stuff, but 
I just don't know when to stop! Does anyone else have issues with the 
paper/card stock warping from heat embossing? I had to mount this card
onto another card front, and weigh it down with heavy stuff to get it
to appear only slightly less wonky. This happens to me every time I heat emboss.
Any suggestions?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed my Zombie cards.
I had a blast making them. I hope to have more made very soon.
I'm seeing a Zombie in a Santa hat......
Keep it creepy!   


  1. OMG!!! These are a total HOOT! Your cards are just FAB! Love the sentiments and every set is amazing! Can't wait to see your future endeavors. I bought some Fantage and so far am afraid to try it. It'll sit around for a year or so until I lose track of it but perhaps this will inspire me to give it a go. As for your Mom, the first year is the toughest when you lose someone, especially around imporant dates, and although it never goes away, the pain does lessen, somewhat. It's ok to cry. Hugs to you! xxD

  2. Sorry you are feeling down, you are a strong un and will come through it. I LOVE those zombie stamps but more so the way you deck them out. LOVE all of your cards and creations. Hugs Andrea xxx

  3. Birthdays are like Zombies ... that's hilarious! But I'm not sure I have any friends who would appreciate getting a card like that. Maybe I need some new friends? ;o)

    P.S. Your card is the only piece of art I enjoy looking at in this very BEIGE rental ... Feel better soon. xo

  4. Awww Glo :( I hope the coming weeks get better, you mum wouldn't want you sad hun xxx
    I love all these fabulous zombies and cards though. You always find the coolest images and sentiments ***hugs*** xxx

  5. Amazing cards Glo! I just colored up a couple of birthday zombies this week too!
    Your bride card is all kinds of kewl! I just can't even imagine a more perfect sentiment for that card than what you've chosen! So clever! I love it!! I love the blushing pink dress with her green skin! Perfect colors and fabulous coloring! Just the hint of glitter in her veil is awesome! I never even imagined using the bride by herself on a project! I'm SO inspired now!
    Nice that you have the whole collection now! I love the heads set, I may have to get those to swap out the heads on the Prima doll stamps.
    Ha! Yeah that Frantage takes a while to melt. I used to add it as a finishing touch to my cards but found it was really warping the cards so now I add it before all my layers are glued down. I had some Frantage dust blow onto the floor and stuck like glue. Took weeks to get it off!
    I was wondering about you last week. Sorry to hear you're feeling the loss of your mom so much right now, I hope you feel better soon and receive everything you need to get through. Hugs!
    ~The Stalker~

  6. P.S. The pom pom idea is brilliant!

  7. Nice work! Have you tried heating it from underneath the paper?

  8. Great cards. Zombie Bride is the creepalicious. I've heard that when heat embossing the warped card straightens out when it cools. Yeah, right..... I try heating on the backside to even out the warp or throwing it under a heavy weight whilst still warm and hoping. A good use for any zombies you may have lying around..........


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