Current Design Teams

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Zombie Kitteh

How sweet is this rotten kitteh? 
She is from Aurora Wings on Etsy.
I am a huge fan of Mitzi Sato-Wiuff's artwork, and her digi designs.
I haven't had a chance to do much else besides color them, so far.
Hallowe'en has made me her bitch, yet again, this year.
But now, the free wheeling fun can begin!    

I am poised to do an ACEO swap with Mitzi, but I can't 
send her my usual crap. I have been trying to make a 
zombie kitty out of clay for her, but I have had epic fail, after epic fail with that idea.
After seeing this kitty, I have been inspired, but I have to work on 
my sculpting skills a bit more before I can produce anything 
that can be considered a fair trade.   

I colored everything with Copics, and used a graveyard die from QuicKutz,
and a little Inkadinkado stamp, backed with black tulle.
I made this ATC for the current challenge at 
and I'd like to enter it in the following challenges as well:

Thanks for dropping by today.
Keep it creepy!!


  1. Love, love, LOVE! I'm sure Mitzi would be thrilled with one of your pieces. xxD

  2. This is wonderful. I am going to have to go buy me some digis! I hope she allows selling online.

  3. Oh how coooool is that Kitty and such fabulous colouring Glo :-D A gorgeous creation :-)
    IKE xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. My word your coloring is gorgeous on that cat! I would of never thought to use that color. You did a fantastic job! Thank you so much for playing along with our Fall/Halloween challenge at the Sisterhood of Crafters.

  5. Heh,heh! Great little zombie kitty, very Left of Center! xxx Keren

  6. Very creepy and the first little zombie kitten I've seen. Awesome coloring and great design. Thank you for joining us at Digi Haven for our Orange and Black challenge. Good luck.


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