Current Design Teams

Friday, November 15, 2013

No lines seahorse art journal page

I am trying to get my depleted mojo back, and have found
that random art journaling and coloring tend to get the old
creative juices flowing again. 

I started off by coloring this adorable seahorse (from Dilly Beans)
using the "no-lines" coloring technique.
Even though this technique looks intimidating, it really isn't
any harder than coloring with full black lines. You just have to be
very careful not to go overboard, and respect your ghost lines.

I added the seahorse to my art journal background,
and used some old Distress technique samples as seaweed. 
I have tons of this paper and I always forget to use it.
Nice way to destash.

Here is my journal spread. I used various paints and sprays to 
 create the background. I actually covered up some heinous writing mistakes
using gesso and sprays. I thought these pages were going in the trash,
but happily, I managed to salvage them.  

"Sometimes in the waves of change we find our true direction."
Great quote I found online. No known author.

Here's a little close-up of the background.
I used layers of metallic acrylic paint, Dylusions and Perfect Pearls sprays,
gesso, stencils, and even some Distress Stickles on the seaweed.
Doesn't everything in the ocean sparkle? Well in my ocean, everything sparkles!
Would you like to see more inspiring projects using Dilly Bean images?
How about even playing along in our "Anything but a card" challenge this week?
Drop by and check out what we've been up to at 

1 comment:

  1. This is so freakin' GORGEUS I'm speechless...well, maybe not. LOL Honestly Glo. Your coloring is amazing and the whole background and sentiment and texture totally ROCKS! I can't tell you how much I love this but I guess I just did. FABULOUS!!!!! xxD


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