Current Design Teams

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Giveaway Time!!!

**Please scroll down for my current posts.**
This giveaway will stay at the top until
As a thank you to my friends, followers, and to anyone who voted for my entry
in the Creepies coloring contest, I am offering up some Hallowe'en swag.
I have been collecting goodies all year long, and adding them
to my giveaway stash. Instead of just giving away one prize, I have split
the goodies up, and have made one prize with the crafter in mind, and the
other prize is geared more for the (gasp!) non-crafter. 
The holiday has put me in the giving mood. And I am quite fortunate to have
won more than my fair share of awesome giveaways.

First up, the crafty prize.
Looks a little light, but I'll add more goodies as they fit in the package.

Hallowe'en charms and puffy satin bat ribbon. 

Glittery Trick or Treat banner.

Martha Stewart paper pad, bat grosgrain ribbon, puffy stickers, and
a DIY wooden Frankie ornament.  

Gray wind up bat. 

Eyelets in orange, yellow, and white. 

Like I said, there will be more added to this prize before it ships out.

And now for the non-crafters prize.

More goodies added as space and postage allowance permits.

Cool Day of the Dead pen, bottle stickers, and hand sanitizer.

A hand poured candle straight from Salem, Mass.

Skull kitchen towel, Vampire Blood hand sanitizer, and 
some fun, puffy stickers. 
  I just added this handmade tombstone ornament
to the non-crafty prize.

How to enter:
Leave a comment on this post as to which prize you'd like to win,
and what is your favorite Hallowe'en/scary movie of all time.
Please also be sure to leave an email address 
so I can reach you, if you have won. 
That's it!
Please keep in mind that although I will ship to any destination,
there are taxes and import fees on these items if they are shipping out
of the United States. I have offered prizes before that were declined due
to these additional costs.  Fair warning.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote for me (I won, by the way),
and thank you to everyone who stops by my blog and peruses my creations.
I appreciate the kind comments and the opportunity to share what's in my head.

Keep it Creepy!
Happy Hallowe'en Eve!


  1. WOW Glo, that's a hell of a generous package xxx Well deserved win

  2. Awesome! I'd like to enter the giveaway and I'm going for the non-crafter's prize :) My all time favorite scary movie is May. (

    1. Also, this is an awesome and scary movie: ;)

  3. Hi Glo!

    I'd like to enter the giveaway for the non-crafter's prize! My favorite scary movie is Halloween (the original version!) :)

  4. OMG glo congrats on your win! I'd like to win ;) and I'd really love the crafty prize of course...but that Salem candle does look awesome!

  5. i'd love the crafty prize! everything there looks so awesome. happy halloween! my favourite halloween movie might be hocus pocus.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Eeeeek !!! You mean that there are NON-Crafters out there somewhere ??????? hahahaha LoL
    An awesome collection of crafty goodies :-) Have a great Halloween.

    My Film choice has to be: The Evil Dead :-)

    IKE xx

  8. Halloween!!!!
    The one with JamieLee!!!!

    Gloria: you are way too generous. Thank you for the giveaway. Seeing all your creations ... We get a giveaway every day :-).

  9. I would love the non-crafters prize. My favourite Halloween movie is obviously The Nightmare Before Christmas (I think it can be counted as X-mas and Halloween movie both).
    Happy Halloween! <3

    Email: avoid_one_thing [at]

  10. Happy Halloween Glo!!! Love this giveaway and you must know that I would love the crafter prize. As for my favorite Halloween movie that is really tough because I have many different categories for them. Just a few would be the original "Dracula" if you are looking for a classic, the original "Halloween" because I love Michael Myers, "The Ring" was absolutely terrifying for me, but if I had to choose a favorite I'd have to choose "Trick r Treat" because the character of Sam represents all the things I love about Halloween. BTW, they are making "Trick r Treat 2." Hope you have a fabulous Halloween! clnazar at msn dot com

  11. Hello Creepy Glo Bugg,
    I am so thrilled and so happy for you that you won the coloring contest. You color amazingly anyways! Congrats! I just want the Gray wind up bat!! LOL! I really like both of your give away's. I think that I would like the non-crafty one because I am diggin that skull towel, however that is a lot of great crafty stuff too! Or the Gray wind up bat?? I hope you get a chance to check out my blog post today I made a Cabinet of Curiosities. Here is a quick link for ya:
    Thank you for a chance at winning some of your awesome blog candy! And my FAVORITE HALLOWEEN MOVIE IS: Pet Sematary (1989) I even read the book before I saw the movie.
    Happy Shaman

  12. Thanks for the giveaway - I would love either, Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday. I really love your creations!

  13. would love to win crafty giveaway. So glad you won.

  14. Great giveaway Glo.....I would love to get my ghouly hands on the crafter's prize. My favorite scary movies are all by Stephen King....It, The Shining, Pet Cemetary. Enjoy all his books also. Thanks for the great candy offer!

  15. Awesome stuff! I'd definitely be in for the non-crafter prize :)
    Favorite seasonal movie is Trick R Treat hands down.
    Hope you had a frightfully good Halloween!
    dex1138 (at)

  16. Congrats on your win. It's always great to win. I love the crafters prize. The satin bat ribbon and the wind up bat look great. Also frankie! How cute is that. If I win maybe you could send the wind up bat to Kristina cos she is obviously really liking that. LOL Hope you had a hauntingly great Halloween Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  17. I knew you were a shoe in but voted for you anyway. LOL A huge congrats there, Chickie. Fave movie? O Jeez! I have tons. Pet Semetary is a good one, also The Omen. Love those evil spawns of the Devil. LOL You breathing a sigh of relief yet? xxD

  18. Hello and wanted to leave a comment on seeing all the creations using Aurora Wings images. She has some very cool DOTD images and you guys did great in coloring. Growing up watching lots of scary movies, I loved Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, Lon Chaney, Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee-you know those good ol' monster boys. Have to say The Mummy probably creeped me out the most-just because he had the ability to sneak up on you! I am a Halloween crafter big time, so that prize is awesome. Thanks for the opportunity.

    1. oh, and my email is xxx

  19. Wow!! Love your work, many congratulations on your win!! Well done!!!
    I think my favourite scary movie has to be Stephen King's It - that creepy clown freaks me right out, and knowing that it's Frank n Furter under there doesn't make it any less scary!!! lol Would love to win the crafty prize the goodies in both look fabulous!!! Thanks for the chance to win!! Good luck everyone! mo xxx


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