Current Design Teams

Monday, July 29, 2013

Gettin' my Chunk on!

I had never heard of a Chunky ATC until a few months ago,
when fellow Minion Sistah, Donna, suggested it as one of our
upcoming challenges for HDH.
Once I googled it, I was blown away by all of the awesome
options this opened up for the pretty much one dimensional, ATC.
The basic measurements are 2.5" x 3.5" x 1.5". There is some
question as to the actual or official dimensions, but this will do for now.
Once I got my husband to cut some wood down for me, I just sat and looked at
the wood blocks for a few weeks. So many options can really be a 
stumbling block, artistically, sometimes.
I settled for a relatively flat CATC to begin with. 
Might as well cool my jets and see how this works first.

I broke out one of my favorite and probably one of my first 
wood mounted rubber stamp from Silver Crow Creations.
I love a laughing Devil! I mounted him onto a distressed
dictionary page, a Poison label, and an online find. 

Another online find (cutaway of skull) mounted onto
a MS Hallowe'en scrap of paper.

Tim Holtz Hallowe'en kraft card stock with a cracked glass
vintage rat poison label.

MS Hallowe'en paper with some creepy bottles from Itkupilli,
and a jar of money paws from my (imaginary) boyfriend, Ryan's personal
collection. Ryan is on the show "Oddities" on the Science channel, and he is
a master of the "exploding skull" displays. He has an incredible personal
collection of wet and dry specimens, plus all kinds of other cool schtuff.
I'd love to spend a weekend perusing his "collectibles".    

Close up of creepiness.

Another Itkupilli cut out for the top of the ATC.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed my CATC, and maybe
was even inspired enough to try your hand at making your own to enter
in our challenge at Haunted Design House.

Keep it creepy!!! 


  1. Scary on my wayward sooooooooooooooooooon
    There'll be shrieks when you are doooooone.

  2. OOOOh, I adore every creepy image and I severely covet that laughing devil stamp. I can just hear him! (Music to my ears!) Fabulous. xxD

  3. These are so cool! I have never heard of chunky ATCs but I love yours. Really interesting and different images and details you have on these - you are such a genius! Hugz!

  4. Fabulous chunky Glo and wonderful images :-)

    IKE x

  5. Great chunky ATC Glo. I need that skull image!


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