Current Design Teams

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pick a skin tone, any skin tone!

I guess it's high time that I share some of my Copic skin coloring
techniques and ideas with you.
I have chosen to use the lovely RSD Sparkle and Glitter freebie image for June, 
Desdemona .
I begin by printing her on white Papertrey Ink paper. I pretty much use
Papertrey paper exclusively. It's great for blending Copics.
I start with E02 in the darkest shadows, like the cheekbone, inner ear,
side of nose, breast cleavage, under lip,and under the jawline.

Next, I use E01 to blend out the shadow a bit.
I basically go over the same spots, but blend out a bit with the new shade. 

Now I use E00, using the same technique. Just keep following the 
other colors, while blending out into her face more with each new color.

Finally, I use E000 to fill in all the highlights and to blend all of the
layers together.
This basic technique is how I color all of my faces.
Regardless of the color scheme, this is how I always color, going dark to light.
I may come back in with another darker shade (in the same color family) to
add more depth and shadow, if I'm not getting enough contrast.   

Here is Desdemona in (my favorite) YGs - 17, 23, 03, 01, 00, 000 
and Warm Grays - 6 thru 1. I use the colorless blender as might lightest shade
to blend all of the grays for an even and smooth blend.
You can click on the pics to see them closer if needed.

Using B06, 04, 02, 01, 00, and E39, 37, 35, 34, 33, 31, 30.

Using (another favorite) BG15, 13, 23, 11, 10, 000 and 
RV14, 13, 21, 10, 00.

And lastly we have Desdemona in V17, 15, 04, 12, 01, 000 and
in R29, 27, 24, 22, 21, 20.
She reminds me of a character from the old Star Trek episodes 
I used to watch with my Dad. I think that lady was either blue or green. 
The colored skin gives her an entirely different look each time.
Very exotic! And kinda alien-like.

I'll be back soon, with another tutorial on her eyes and make up,
and finally, a third tutorial on coloring her gorgeous hair.
Stay tuned!


  1. Bwaahahahaha - ooops - so sorry Glo - my brain was obviously elsewhere !!!! LoL
    These are just gorgeous demonstrations - I think you are a wizard with those Copics .... just AWESOME :-D
    IKE xxxxxxx

  2. Great coloring Glo! You can diffidently can color skin.

  3. Unbelievable! I think I need private lessons, though...and some decent paper. FABULOUS! xxD

  4. the green reminds me of the "little accident" receptionist from beetlejuice, luv the colors

  5. Yay finally a tutorial on your colouring. Can't wait for the rest. x

  6. I had stopped by to comment on a couple of your ATC's and looky here... I hit the JACKPOT! Lucky me...a tutorial on your fabulous coloring.

    Shhhhh, I'm putting this link in my private folder of tutorials!


Feel free to comment or just vent.