Current Design Teams

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Holey Moley!!

I was asked quite some time ago, to make a 
Marilyn Manson 12"x12" art piece, for a friend of a friend.
I am quite the procrastinator, but I finally finished it.

I really wanted to use this new technique I learned from the 
It is such a killer technique and so fun to create!
I highly recommend Mister Skinner's workshops. 
Well worth the price of admission.

It just so happened that this technique is perfect for 
the current challenge at HDH, Holey Moley!     

I decided to use a few different techniques 
and textures for this page.

I fussy cut this cool frame from Itkupilli, and then heat embossed
just the skull and the angels and their sash.

I used Rock Candy crackle paint on this chipboard slide, 
with some silver and black paint. Then I filled the inside with
Glossy Accents. I really like the textures on this. A lot!  

Basic cracked glass effect, using UTEE, freezing the piece, and then
cracking it as it comes out of the freezer.

I adhered the lightening bolt to a chipboard piece, 
and then UTEE'd everything together. 
I added some eyelets for some metal.
Marilyn needs some metal.

And finally, more clear Rock Candy distress paint
over bright red and silver painted chipboard letters.

I sure hope this is what she had in mind.
It was fun to put together and a good opportunity to
practice all of these techniques.

Be sure to stop by Haunted Design House and check out 
what the other Minions have created for this challenge.

Keep it Creepy! 


  1. Brilliant. I love Marilyn and this is awesome. Great use and mix of techniques. Does it smell like children? ;-)

  2. Absolutely immense. I freaking love all of it! The textures and you have perfected that technique. x

  3. Wow, this is cool and very inspirating! Now i feel i have to create something too using one band i love...

  4. very cool, love the vibe manson kicks off... changing shape like one creepy butterfly...

  5. It exceeded my expectations! You are truly gifted Glo. I cant say thank you enough. stellar job!

  6. Simply outstanding use of techniques..............Love Love Manson been a fan for years. I bet she did have this in mind and will be so pleased with the end result. Worth the wait I say.............

  7. Whoa, GLO! What a super cool cllection of techniques! The images ROCK and the texture are immense. Adore the Manson lettering as well. Perfect in every way! xxD

  8. As a Manson fan I have to say this is FANTASTIC!!!! Great texture technique on the background and the composition of all those gorgeous images is FAB!
    Your friend of a friend is a very lucky person .......I'm not jealous ......much! LOL


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