Current Design Teams

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Strega in the DICC

Today I'd like to share my card for the new 
Rick St. Dennis is sponsoring the challenge,
and I get to be a guest DT as a fringe benefit.

I jumped at the chance to color up, and create with 
one of Rick's newest "dark" images, Strega

Isn't she lovely? And oh, so deadly....
I liked the iris-less version 
(she comes with both versions when purchased here),
 since it played to my love of cartoons and comic style drawings.

I just went for it, as far as my color palette. 
She reminded me of an 80's style pop princess, 
hence the bright, bubble gum, color scheme. 

I used skulls-her earrings, hand colored satin roses, 
lots of Stickles glitter, and embossing, from the 
list of challenge choices. 

It was fun to create using set choices from the challenge.
I spend way too much time putting my creations together,
so it was nice to have only so many options to choose from.
I'll be playing along again, very soon.   

Please join us over at DICC, and play along to win some 
fabulous  Rick St. Dennis images. 


  1. have done wonders with that image. I love the colors you chose. I think those were popular in the '60s too. Fantastic job.

  2. I always love the diversity of your image choices and your coloring is awesome! Great colors on this one too!! Do you have ALL the markers or just your favorites? And coloring the roses is a brilliant idea! :D

    I'm should be studying for my final exam but my mind somehow wondered way back to the Tilda project with the meat grinder and I just HAD to go searching!! However, I can't find it! :( Do you happen to know which blog the project is on? I'd love to see it again and thought you might know. He he he

  3. This is just too wonderful for words. LOVE the colouring and the glitter x

  4. Love this card! What a fun image, and your color choices are too fun! Love the glitter in her hair. Great card design!Hugs!

  5. Really fun colors, Glo! Love the ribbon and I'm laughing at the rose placement. they look like boobies. LOL xxD


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