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Monday, May 6, 2013


This week's Macabre Monday challenge at HDH is 
Stephen King Knightmares.

Now at first glance, this should have been an easy challenge.
Stephen King has tons of films and stories, and even TV shows to 
choose from. 
I have read some of his books, but most of them are a bit 
too wordy for me. I finished Gerald's Game, Misery, Cujo, 
Salem's Lots, Monkey Shines and Skeleton Crew
I prefer his short stories over his novels any day.
I only got about 300 pages into IT, when I threw in the towel 
and watched the movie instead of finishing the book.
I really wanted to make something in homage to Children of the Corn,
but nothing was coming together.
So I opted for a favorite film from my teen years, 
Cat's Eye from 1985. 

I think this little troll dude was my favorite part/story of the entire film.
He was creepy and kinda cute, in a breath sucking kind of way.
I went with the "every breath you take" quote, since it was the song
playing on the turntable when our little troll friend hit the wall
in Drew's room.

I finally realized I may have been having a hard time with this challenge
because Stephen King was my Mom's favorite author. 
She had all his books in hardback, and would read every night 
before she went to bed. 
I need to request some of her books from my Dad. 
I just may finish IT after all. 


  1. Brilliant Glo, I love him. Definitely grab some of those books, what a great way to keep those memries alive x

  2. Cool card! I especially love the glowy green around the sentiment. I am probably not the person to take suggestions from, as I like King's wordiness but to me his best book is The Stand, while the scariest for me was It. I had trouble turning out the lights while reading that one! And I am not normally afraid of clowns! :)Traci

  3. Oh my friend - I can imagine that must be hard. The little things that sneak up on you seem to hit you the hardest when you lose someone you love. You did a great job with this, and you know Stephen King is my all-time fave too. Sending you a big hug.

  4. What a fab little trollie! He be so creepy but in such a cute sort of way. Love the glowing green around the senti, too but I absolutely HATE that song and now you've got me singin it. Nasty YOU! Yeah, I'm with Mark. You gotta grab those books. xxD

  5. hahahaaa, I just love this! Very creepy esp. when sucking the life force from little Drew. Great project.

  6. Excellent. I loved this movie when I was a kid. Looks fab. x

  7. Superb creation Glo. Great how you put him with little beady red glowing eyes !!! :-D I liked this movie and I am an avid Stephen King lover. I think I've read nearly all of them now. :-)
    I hate that song too and now I have it in my head !!!!!
    IKE xx


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