Current Design Teams

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Macabre Monday Bare Bones/CAS

Well, it's been a while since I've posted on my blog.
Life ripped my heart out a couple of weeks ago, when my Mother
passed away rather unexpectedly. I'm still reeling, but I have to get
back to some semblance of normalcy. So I must create art!!

Here are my submissions for the Clean and Simple challenge at HDH.

CAS is quite hard for me, as I have a very loose understanding of the 
"less is more" concept. I decided to start with some cute jar dies
from Memory Box.
I cut the jars from vellum and then stamped the weird critters on the back.
I embossed them and colored them on the reverse side so they appear to 
be in the jar. Then I had to back them with white, so they'd show up better. 

I added various dots using my Copics, so it looked like the contents of the
jar were spilling, or floating out.

I couldn't stop myself from adding Stickles. It looked so much more
magical than just the dots.
CAS simple doesn't have to be just one layer, but the simpler, the better.
Like I said, I haven't quite grasped the concept.
Be sure to drop by HDH to play along, or at least peruse the Minion's work.

Since I've been rather down lately, my husband tried to cheer me up with some "gate art". 

He drilled holes in the top of the gate, and then inserted and glued colored marbles into the holes.

When the sun begins to set, the marbles look beautiful!

I'm a sucker for colored glass, so we're on the hunt for red and purple 
marbles to add to the gate.
Next stop: The back fence!!!!


  1. Nice job on your art. I like the frog. It is so cute and adorable.

  2. OMG Glo - those marbles are freaking awesome, your hubby is a genius! :) Your cards are cool, I also have hard time with CAS but you totally rocked it on these. I'm so sorry about your mom, but you know that. Been thinking about you every day. Sending you a big hug, my friend. xo

  3. Your cards are brill as always. Your husband sounds like a wee gem. Love the marbles in the gate such an amazing idea.

  4. Oh I just adore your little jars. Love the way the contents are spilling out and the fun creatures inside. And I'd say your DH is a "keeper"! Your fence looks fickin' FABULOUS! xxD


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