Current Design Teams

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Not one to back down...

...from a good challenge, 
I have completed my Smeared Ink DT Throwdown project.
What is the DT Throwdown you may be wondering? 
Well it is the cream of the crop in alternative crafting Design Teams, competing against each other for the badge, and more importantly, 
the bragging rights, of top voted DT Throwdown champions.

This is the chance for me to create something beautifully twisted, 
and then be voted on it by my peers.
The DT with the most votes, collectively, wins. 
If you are interested in checking out the competition, 
or in getting more info, go here
You must be a member of the Smeared Ink ning group to 
participate  in the challenges and/or the voting. 
Join up and vote for your favorite project!! 

I am honored to be participating alongside my fellow 
Haunted Design House MinionsDonna and Mark.  

Here is my project for the theme of 
Paint and Splatter
CAUTION: Lots of photos

Here is my before picture.
This is a small chest of drawers made out of chipboard and handmade
papers. It was originally sold through Hallmark, but I picked it up at my 
local thrift store for a low, low price.  
I began by removing the knobs and metal hardware, 
and then I painted it out in white acrylic paint for a good base coat. 
Then I painted it completely in a metallic champagne color.
I added gold highlights for an antique feel.  

While the paint was drying, I started stamping various Stampotique stamps
onto tissue paper. This would allow me to add the images directly to my 
piece without the risk of a bad image stamped onto the drawers forever.

Once the images were adhered to the drawers with decoupage and dry 
(with the help of Mister Hairdryer), I started coloring them with Copics. 

I really like the idea of brightly colored monsters and creeps (kinda like Monsters Inc.), so I kept the color palette rather bright and cheery. 
I also knew I was going to be antiquing the drawers later, 
if I needed to tame down any excessive fluorescence.

3 in a Round is one of my absolute favorite Stampotique images.
They had to be a part of this project. 

For the splatter portion of my project, I used an awesome
red glitter acrylic paint. Might have gotten a little carried away, but
you can never really have too much splatter.  

Lots of heads. Creepy, colorful, heads.

More excessive dripping.

Using a crackle with acrylic paints is a new technique for me.
I had to put on my reader glasses to see the teeny tiny crackles, but they 
showed up better once I applied the brown acrylic wash.

Stampotique skull image stamped multiple times and flipped over for a
mirror image. One of the perks of working on tissue paper. 

Weird little recessed top area.

Nice crackle finish and antiquing.

Well, there you have it. My DT Throwdown entry,
in all it's splattered and painted glory!
Thanks for the fun challenge.
You can see all of the entries and cast your vote for your favorite project

I am also entering this in the very first challege at
Left of Center challenges


  1. Oooooh !!! Feckin' AWESOME Glo :-D xxxx

  2. Well that is awesome! You really want to win. Vee xx ps I love a lot of pics;)

  3. As much as I don’t usually like draws, because I tend to fill them with junk. I do love your art work. I hope you win.

  4. Love, love, love, love, LOVE! Pure fabulousness! The stamps rock and thanks for the tip about stamping onto tissue paper. I sooo suck at stamping and this will help me tremendously. Lovin' your colors. The heads sooo look like Easter eggs. LOL Just finishing my post now. WooHoo! Go HDH! xxD

  5. great project GLO---rock on!

  6. Love love love this, Big fan of stampotique, love all the details and the dripping blood xx

  7. how cool! what a great project. thanks for participating at LoCCC

  8. FABULOUS!!!! I love it! You've ROCKED this challenge Glo :)

  9. Absolutely out of this world Glo. All those little touches! A fabulous piece . This is going to be a tough contest!! Good luck xxx

  10. Wonderfully done and fantastic altered box, WOOOW !!! I love the stamps you used on it too and the way you dispatched them all around. Congrats for this stunning project, and good luck for the challenge ! Coco x

  11. I came back to say thank you for entering this fabulous piece of art in Left of Center Creative Challenges. Vee xx

  12. Glo, this is really awesome. I love all of the Stampotique stamps, you really did rock this one. Can't wait to see everyone else's stuff! :)

  13. Holy Cow this is AMAZING! Love everything about it! So true about never having too much splatter, what an awesome work of art. Thanks for joining us at Left of Center and good luck with the DT throw down :)

  14. Seriously fun piece that will be useful too. Boxes are always great for storing crafty bits.

    Great job!

  15. Totally love this!!! How creative! Love all the splatter.

  16. So creative!!! I love it! Thanks for joining us at Left of Center Creative Challenges :)

  17. you rock!! I love love LOVE this piece, good luck in the DT throwdown and thank you for joining our first challenge at Left of Center
    Shell xx


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