Current Design Teams

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Another gorgeous undead girl

I had big plans for the Macabre Monday challenge at HDH this week.
I painted a pretty cool painting (for a newbie), but she was not my first
idea for the Drop Dead Gorgeous theme.

I am on the Rick St. Dennis EDT, and he is very well versed in the 
drawing of gorgeous ladies. His etsy shop is filled with beautiful 
women of all ages, sizes, and time periods. He really knows how 
to draw scary chicks too, but I had the idea to take one of his 
pretty gals and make them dark with my coloring. 
I have done this in the past with other, "non intentionally dark" 
images, and they turned out pretty good. Well, not this time. 
In fact, it turned out so freaking bad that I actually 
threw the image away.
I NEVER throw out images that I mess up on. 
I always try to salvage them, or at least let them serve as 
a cautionary tale for others. 
I had to redeem myself with the intention of using a RSD image in the 
way that it was originally intended.

I used the image of Meena  from RSD's etsy shop 
(I'm not sure that she is still available, though).

I followed the "choose a sketch" challenge over at 
Simon Says Stamp challenge blogand this is what I came up with.

I used a sentiment from Stamp Insanity's True Blood set. 
Those are some great sentiments (thank you, Catherine), and I get 
quite a bit of use out of them. Unfortunately, it appears that 
Stamp Insanity is no longer in business. 

Stop by HDH to check out the latest Macabre Monday challenge.
Then, check out Rick's Etsy shop full of killer art digis.
If you are still in search of inspiration, stop by the


  1. Fantastic card you made and perfect background too!
    I really like that die, must look for it!
    Hugs, Elenor

  2. Your card is beautiful! Such a lovely image that's perfectly colored... love the glitter for sparkle, too! :) Thank you for playing along in our "Choose A Sketch" challenge over at the Simon Says Stamp challenge blog this week! xo

  3. Gorgeous creation and loving that digi. Your painting skills are fab for a pro never mind a newbie!!!! x

  4. Stunning creation Glo and I loved your painting :-)
    I got happy mail from you - Thank You - and I blogged about it :-D xxxx

  5. This is gorgeous, Glo but now I want to see the one you messed up. LOL Can't imagine anything you do turning out badly. xxD


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