Current Design Teams

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lollyrot digis

A couple of years back, I was blown away by a particular paper crafter known as, Lollyrot
I saw her work on the Stampotique challenges blog as an entry,
 and started following her personal blog posts. Then she became one of their DTs and has since designed stamps for Stampotique, and she even has her own line of digital images. 

Her style is one that I admire and one that is immediately identifiable 
as all her own.  

When I saw that she had released some digital images of her own here,
I had to buy a couple and try them out!
This one is called, Lollyrot.

I cannot tell you  how long I have had this metal charm.
Too long, but maybe it was just waiting for this particular project.
I edged it with Stickles, added some sparkly fibers, and a paper rose to 
make it feminine and pretty.

Such a beautifully unique image, with tons of coloring and creating possibilities.

Check out her Lollyrot blog, her digi shop, and her tutorials for more info
and inspiration. 

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