Current Design Teams

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Fanfare

Wow! The month of February is already half gone!
Time sure flies when you get old. Damn.
Today I have four projects to share. Yeah, someone got her mojo flowin'.

These are the beginnings of my journal pages for the Dilly Beans 
Red and Black challenge. 

I absolutely LOVE the Dylusions ink sprays! They are so vibrant 
and they blend so well together. I used the Postbox Red 
and the Black Marble colors, and then used a cool rib cage stencil 
from Retro Cafe ArtI spritzed the stencil with water, let the water 
sit for a couple seconds, and then rolled a roll of paper towels over it to remove the inks. It's nice, right?

Same idea here, but used Retro Cafe diamond pattern stencil. 

I used Dilly Beans #377 Martin's Heart image, and the Zombie sentiment
from Dilly Beans #375 Cute and Dark words set.
I also added the Zombie stencil from Retro Cafe Art on this one.
Looks so cool!!!  

For this panel, I used #255 Framed Zombie Hearts 4, and another 
sentiment from the Cute and Dark words set. 
I couldn't help myself, and filled the heart at the bottom with
googly eyes. It goes with the sentiment, don't you think?

And now for something totally different.

The challenge this week at Sparkle and Glitter is 
We are sponsored by Sweet Pea stamps.
I chose to use this gorgeous image from Ching Chou Kuik called,
The Hummingbirds.

I LOVE hummingbirds! I have a feeder right outside my living room 
window so I can watch them feed and (unfortunately) fight for the feeder.  
I collect their feathers as well. For what? I don't know yet.

This is another journal page. I used some home made acrylic sprays,
and my favorite tool, bubble wrap, for texture on the background. 

Hummingbirds are quite difficult to color. It proved impossible for me
to capture their iridescence with Copics, but I tried. 

Close-up of the varying textures of the painted page, the bubble wrap design, chipboard stickers, and the curled edge of the image. 
I LOVE how this turned out! 

This card is for my Grandma's birthday this Sunday. 
She'll be a young 83, and doesn't act a day over 70! She is amazing, 
and I LOVE and cherish her immensely. Another wonderful gift 
given to me when I married my husband. We may not share the same bloodline, but she is definitely my Grandma! 

I used all purples on this card, as purple is Grandma's favorite color,
and mine too. I LOVE this 1906 Hat image from Rick St. Dennis.
She is stunning in any color!

Please join us at Sparkle and Glitter and Dilly Beans for the current challenges.
Have a wonderful weekend.     


  1. Wow glo love the journal pages and your cards
    The har lady looks great in purples

  2. Amazing journal pages. You are sending me inspiration every time I see your work. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. i LOVE your red & black journal page :)

  4. fantabulous creations Gloria, love them all, love the journalpage with the ribcase awesome have used the same dilly bean image on a red page too , isn;t that funny

  5. Oh Love them all, Especially the purple one for your Gran, its brilliant. Your Journal Pages are fabby. I hope your Gran has a wonderful birthday, mine will be 83 in May!! Love Hazelxo

  6. So much to see that I feel I have been on a visit to a really wonderful gallery. Your journal pages are terrific, that ribcage stencil IS awesome! Your panel where you used the googly eyes is so inspired! Then you hit us with the pretty and those are amazing too. The pages with the hummingbirds are sensational and I think they DO look iridescent. I love Ching Chou Kwuik images and I just received a few from USA from Sweet Pea Stamps and hope to have a play soon. You have inspired to make it soon! Your card for your grandma is totally beautiful and the colouring of the image is so brilliant. Thanks for the wonderful visit. Vee xx

  7. Your work is absoutely brilliant and your creativity is off the map! I never tire of seeing your creations, whether they're the beautiful or the more macabre. I also enjoy reading the comments you so kindly post on my blog when you visit. Thank you for those!

    Anniebee xx

  8. these are all so fabulous, Glo I love the colors.
    I've also seen these 'journal' pages on other blogs. Yours are (as usual) very different than the others- and macabre.
    LOVE IT!
    I love the martin's heart image page! so great!


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