Thursday, January 24, 2013

See! I can do it too!

As part of my new outlook for 2013, I'd like to 
start entering more challenges.
Unfortunately, sometimes my 'style' of paper crafting isn't 
fit for mass consumption.  
I am far from a conformist, but I do want to play with 
the big, fancy dogs (sorry ladies) on occasion.
Which means I have to 'fluff up a bit', and make pretty things. 
I can do this. Watch me! 

I have been wanting to play along with Kenny K challenges
but haven't been in the right mood. 
His images call for a bit of work to color in all of the details, 
and then the actual card has to be just as detailed (in my mind, anyway).

So, when inspiration hit, I started with this image.
As if she wasn't self explanatory, her name is "Warrior Princess".
She's pretty bad ass, huh? Even with pink hair.

Then, I broke out with my terribly underused, pretty things.
Roses I colored to match my color scheme, a metal heart brad, lots of 
half pearls, a pearl stick pin, and some fancy pearled sprigs.

Yes, I did own all of this pretty schtuff prior to my life as a 
creepy chick crafter. Funny, how personal styles change. 
I admire this style of crafting immensely, and try to imitate it
in my own work when it seems fitting.

LOTS of dimension on this project. 
This will definitely need a padded envelope when it's mailed.

Ta dah!
I always have trouble with the whole "less is more" concept,
 but I think I stopped just in time on this one. 
I really enjoyed this project, and adore the way the card turned out.
I can make pretty things, too!   

I'd like to enter this in the current Vintage challenge at Kenny K. 


  1. wow, look who's gone all girly ;) lol, just kidding, this is immense and stunningly beautiful. A great image from kenny k and your colours and layout are perfect,I hope you get more chances to enter stuff x

  2. Bahaahaa "fluff it up " Too funny ! Well you def fluffed it up ! Fab card hun!!

  3. Absolutely awesome! Love the colouring and all the amazing detail that's gone into this. You should do this style of crafting more often, it obviously suits you! Thanks for joining in this week with Kenny K's Krafty Krew, Niki xx

  4. this is stunning, I realy love it... a bit girly, i agree - but you managed it perfectly! (ps, many of the big dogs can be done creepily, who says lace is strictly girly?? ;) )

    Thank you for showing off your skillz at KennyK's :)
    -Laila aka Koneko

  5. Great to see another crafter that likes "alternative" styles! I find that Kenny K has a good selection of non girly digi's! I love your card, it's awesome, great colouring! Good luck with doing more challenges.....I also set myself that same goal this year! :-)

  6. Your card is awsome, love the colours and all the lovely details.

    Had a quick peek round the rest of your blog as well and oh WOW I love your style.

    Thank you for joining in with Kenny K :)

  7. Oh I love this Glo!! Its brilliant, Have you popped by Kenny Ks Challenge today :) Love Hazelxox

  8. Awesome card! I've taken a break from the blog world and didn't even know Kenny K had new images and a new website. And what a shock to see all this pink and fluff on your blog, but just proves you can do it all Glo,and I love it just as much! So glad you're still coloring those images as they are some of my favorite digis!! I would love to see you color dragon rider in your unique style!
    Let's have the best year yet!


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