Current Design Teams

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hey! This is fun!!!

Wow! It's already the 11th day of 2013!!!
I have been so busy trying to finish left over projects from 2012,
I am already falling behind for 2013!
In my defense, I have been trying to get organized, and trying to finish
undone projects and even trying new techniques and mediums in my crafting.

About two years ago I received a beautiful art journal from my 
RSD EDT sister, Suzi. I wanted to start working in it immediately, but wasn't sure where to begin. I decided on making it a painfully cathartic journal to help me deal with, and heal past emotional wounds.

This was as far as I got. I think I scared myself .
Didn't touch the journal again for another year.

I was inspired by the challenge at Stampotique, so I dusted off the journal
and got out some paints and stamps and got busy! 
I used the Welcome Door, with Mister Stripes, and the body of Winter with the skull from the Hallowe'en Cube 2
All stamps are from Stampotique, and all images drawn by the wonderfully
creepy, Daniel Torrente.

The door actually comes with a heart on it, but I replaced the heart with Mister Stripes, the spider.
I stamped the door onto kraft card stock and then colored it in with pencils. Not my usual choice for adding color to an image, but pencils tend to give more vibrant results than Copics when using kraft stock. I did add some shading with Copics over the pencils for more contrast.
I'm only using some 30 year old Coloray and Col-erase pencils I've had since I was a kid. They still work, and with as much as I use them, they'll do for now. 
I do like the look of the Inktense pencils though....  

Mr. Stripes all UTEE'd up. I used my melt pot for the first time. I am thinking I could use some tips and some practice. I guess I didn't work fast enough, so the UTEE turned amber. Plus, I was having a problem with too much build up of UTEE and then bubbles.
Like I said, more practice is needed.   

I used some more dictionary page shreds here and there, and
 a Salvador Dali quote, "I am not strange. I am just not normal", from
Dilly Beans. Seemed fitting. 
My Grandpa called me, "consistently strange" once, and I had never been more proud! 

I will not reveal just how many different layers of paint went onto this page, but let's just say it was more than six. Yup. More than six. 

Winter has such a sour face on her (him?) that I decided to cut her face out, and use the skull face instead. I also swapped the heart on the hoodie for a teeny scarab sticker.
Hearts are just not my thing. Unless they're still beating and in my hand....

But, I digress... 

I really like all of the layers and textures and emotions that went into this piece.
I am looking forward to filling this journal this year.

I would like to enter this page in the following challenge:


  1. Oh, woow, love it! Thank you for joining the Stampotique challenge. Magda :)

  2. well hun..I am glad u picked this back up and gave it life! lolo I know what u mean about scaring yourself..THIS is so very cool! Glad u joined us at Stampotique!

  3. That looks totally wicked, love it, can't wait to see how the inside develops, I really do need to start an art journal, such a scary thought tho, maybe i'll be brave lol!!

  4. Absolutely amazing!!! So much to see. Thanks for joining the SDC

  5. This is a fabulous page, you've put so much into it! Thanks for joining us at Stampotique.

  6. love it!!!
    u can do it girl :)
    bit of bleeding is suppose to be good for you...or so i hear!
    consider this me punching u in the nose
    i so got your back girlfriend!

  7. Looks grear. Love the spidey. And the senti is one i gave to remember. Fits like a glove. Lol

  8. WOW! absolutely stunning cover. So many gorgeous photos to look at.. Thank you for joining Stampotique Designer's challenge. Gez

  9. Love all the details and it is suitably creepy

  10. I soooooooo Love this Page, Wish I had that kinda imagination lol xx

  11. Love, love, love this! Totally amazing!
    Thanks for joining in with us at Stampotique :)

  12. So totally amazed by this, Glo. Truly fabulous work with all the layers of shtuff. So wish I weren't such a weenie about getting my hands dirty and so impatient about waiting for it to dry. LOL Love, love, love, love, LOVE! xxD

  13. LOVE all the details.... Really Wonderful.
    Thanks for joining us at Stampotique Designers Challenge.


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