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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Merry Creepmas! Final reveal Day 13

Just when you thought it would never end, 
we have reached Day 13 of the 13 Days of Creepmas hop!!
I don't think that I have ever consistently posted for 13 days straight.
It was a lot of work, but so worth the killer projects I came up with using some incredibly wicked and wonderful images from Rick St. Dennis.
Since we received a visit from Sandy Claws yesterday, it only makes sense that we would be celebrating New Year's next, right?

Let's say, "Goodbye" to 2012 and, "Hello" to 2013!!!

Well, if that "Zombie Chorus Girl" from Rick St. Dennis represents 2012,
then it really has been one rough, "tore up from the floor up" kind of year! 
And by the looks of "Baby New Year", 2013 is gonna be ruddy, if nothing else.

Rick suggested that I color her in a sickly yellow.
I'm not sure if this is what he envisioned, but I think she turned out pretty cool, and I never would have thought to use yellows (and blue violets for shadows) for zombie skin. Perfect for that putrescent pallor. 

Well, this is the end of the 13 Days of Creepmas, and this is the
grand finale to my Merry Creepmas box. 
Thanks so much for following along and leaving comments to let me 
know you have been enjoying what I have been doing.

Now it's time to see what Aletha has cooked up for her final project. 

Merry Creepmas!!!!   


  1. You also have a new digi Gloria:
    "Zombie Chorus Girl". Greetings, Caroline

  2. OMG, is that ever FAB, Glo! super box. I was a bit late today, though. xxD

  3. WOW, WOW and double WOW. That box is flippin immense! x

  4. Oh this is sooooooo cool. love what you done here.
    hugs Nat

  5. Your talent amazes me everyday! This is a stunning project. Your coloring is amazing. I will shut up now, just thanks so much for the inspiration!
    Hugs, Aletha

  6. This is bleeping awesome!! Makes me want to dance!!

  7. Oh WOW I love them springing out of the box, Its been a blast visiting every day, Love Hazelxo

  8. wow that's absolutely cool, the box is just awesome

  9. Great idea combining the creepmas showgirl and the new year baby-wonderful finale-thanks for your great participation!!!!

  10. Glo - you definitely saved the best til last. I didn't think it were possible to top Sandy Claws but you did it girl! Thank you for all the inspiration you gave xxx

  11. Killer Cool!! Love it Merry Creepmas!

  12. Fabulous last project, I think you got her color just right! =)
    Merry Creepmas!
    Hugs, Elenor

  13. Wow! Frekin' rocks! Words cannot describe the awesomeness of your creation :)


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