Current Design Teams

Friday, December 7, 2012

Creepmas: Day 7

Well, we're a little over half way there!
Day 7 of the 13 Days of Creepmas is upon us.

I have another card for you to check out today, along with some other 
holiday goodies later in the post, so stick around.

for this card.

Check out the kisser on this poor kid!
I am pleased with how his complexion turned out.
I was going for a bruised look.

How cool is this toy?
Who wouldn't want one of these under their Creepmas tree?
Well, me, I guess. I already have one.

This guillotine is over 50 years old. It's another one of the treasures
I inherited for my Grandparents. Actually, when my son was asked what he
wanted from their estate, he said, "The guillotine and the Barbie!".
Then when it arrived, he decided it was too creepy and dusty for him.     

Yeah, it's dusty, but it is sooo cool!

My Grandparents were magicians, and they were married on October 31st.
Need I say more?
I come by my strangeness, quite naturally.

Thanks for stopping by today.
Merry Creepmas!!!

Next up is Aletha for the RSD hop.
The link for the 13 Days of Creepmas hop is on my sidebar.  


  1. Fabulous complexion, Glo! Bruised he be! Also kudos on the fussy cutting. Wonderful card! Your son sure has an eye for the good schtuff, don't he? A real chip off the old block, I'd say. WWWAAAYyy cool toy! xxD

  2. how cool a real quillotine, quite creepylicious
    your card is fabulous, great colouring

  3. Fantastic card you made, like the dripping border of blood!
    Okay, now I understand why you have so many scary/unusal items in your place! =)
    Hugs, Elenor


  5. How cool were your grandparents. Who wants normal run of the mill type people when you can have kooky cool people and they inspired you to what you are, crazy cool. Love your work as always xxx

  6. I love, love, love your card! The complexion is just perfect for bruised - must remember the purple/green combo. And how cool is you guillotine? What a fabulous collection of stuff you have going! Speaking of which, I don't sell the polymer clay stuff anymore - canceled my vendor's license but just let me know the size of the gargoyle you want and I'll try to do that for you after the holidays!

  7. Your card is absolutely great! And the coloring of Creepmas Toy Boy is wonderful!
    That little guillotine is awesome! And with the Barbie in it, great! (Sorry for the dollpeople, I hate Barbie) Lol. You sure had awesome grantparents! Greetings, Caroline

  8. Man your blends are good---i gotta practice more-maybe its the paperLOL
    Great post love your toys---them is some zany Grandparents how lucky you are

  9. ROFL Glo, I love the story about your grandparents, that is awesome. :) Totally love your creation, and you rocked the bruised look perfectly. :)

  10. I love this one, the blending is amazing, Love his colour of skin, Oh hee hee loving the barbie guillotine!Spooky, Love Hazelxo

  11. the guillotine is beyond awesome...

  12. I am in LOVE...both with your project and your toy guillotine! BTW, what paper do you use for coloring? As Rick stated, your blends are awesome. I'm sure it's just your talent, but any hints, tips, or products that can help me hand color better would be quite welcomed.

  13. Glo - I can only echo what has been said before, I know - I'm just getting to hop now - a few days behind! Absolutely fabulous colouring and I wish I had such cool grandparents xx

  14. This is awesome!! Loving looking back at last Creepmas in preparation for my first hop! Fabulous creations and I love the guillotine! Mo xx


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