Current Design Teams

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm Wicked, and it's Wednesday!!!

Because I am unable to function properly without a heightened level
of chaos and stress, I have joined the Wicked Wednesday ATC challenge DT.
Not that it's their fault I'm stressed and chaotic. That's just how I roll.
I had to do it to be closer to my awesome friend, Jenn.
She's such a gem of a human being. Maybe some of that will rub off on me.
This week WW is sponsored by
and the theme is "Snails and Stripes".
I am a fan of The Emerald Fairies line and have a few images already,
so I decided to make 2 ATCs.
First up, is "Boo and Snookie"
(no relation to the Jersey Shore chick, unless "Snookie" is the snail).
One of my favorite images to color. I love coloring fairy wings.
Usually, I rip them off the fairy first... and you don't even wanna know
how I go about painting those snail shells!!   

This little babeh is called, "Ashee".
I even used L-A-C-E. Twice. Please don't tell the Minions.
You should see what they make Fiona do with her tassels!!
I don't even want to think of what they may do with some lace and cow prod!
Thank you to Jenn and the Wicked Wednesday DT for welcoming me into
their nice little group. Happy to be here.


  1. Ooooh - how cozmic ... these are fantastic :-D Love those images and your colouring rocks !! I am really getting into ATCs recently so I envy you your new DT position :-D
    IKE xxxxxxxxxx

  2. Your ATC's are just stunning!!! So glad to have you as a fellow DT member!!

  3. Wonderful coloring and the colors are so bright and fun! We promise not to use cattle prods at WW because you used fun and welcome to the team!

  4. HBA Welcome Wagon...
    Wanted to let you know, you part of the Alliance. Please stop by and check to make sure your link is correct. Remember to say Thank You and feel free to visit the other HBA Members. Also if you have "CAPTCHA" on, you might want to turn it off... people hate it, okay I hate it.

    Jeremy [Retro]
    Visit The Madness:
    HBA Curator

  5. ROFL You're so freaking awesome, I just adore you. Thanks for being a part of the team and for all your kind words. Some day I am going to learn to color like you. ;) xo

  6. These are so brilliant, love these images and the way you have coloured them is fantastic, love them
    Lindsay xx


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