Current Design Teams

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Buried alive

I haven't been posting as much as I'd like to lately,
but just know that I am working my butt off on my
13 Days of Creepmas
projects that will begin debuting this Saturday!!
Thanks for hanging in there with me and I hope you won't be disappointed. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday

 Black Friday Book Sale
Now through Monday, November 26 at 11:59PM,
I am offering a 20% discount in my Etsy shop.
Use  this code to apply your discount during checkout.
Please just copy and paste the code to ensure it is properly applied.
All caps, no spaces.


Friday, November 16, 2012

Twisted Holidaze at Sparkle and Glitter

Wow! Is it Friday already? Actually, it's almost Thanksgiving already?!
Where does the time go?
The theme is rather fitting for the new challenge at Sparkle and Glitter.
It's Twisted Holidaze!! 
They are upon us!
 I stepped outside of my well worn box, and made my first gatefold card.
I also had to make it hard for myself and had to do 
the math for the dimensions I needed.

I used the Creepmas tree that Rick drew at my suggestion.
You can thank me now. It's awesome!!!
After coloring the tree and it's "ornaments" with Copics, I went over all the
rat tails, feet, and ears with a glaze pen. I also went over the snakes with the glaze
pen to give them all a shiny effect. I went over the shrunken head strings with a Stardust pen.
Gotta have sparkly strings!! 

The is one of my very favorite images called, Head Master.
Great tattoo imagery right there.
I added the Beware tin sign to act as the closure for the card.
I tried to make it appear distressed by lightly sanding it with a sanding block.

For the inside sentiment, I used Merry Creepmas BONES.
I flanked it with some EK border punched spider webs.

Not too bad for my first Creepmas card of the year.
Lots more to come!!

Please join us over at Sparkle and Glitter for all the Twisted Holiday fun!  


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Late as usual

I'm running a little late for this week's
The sponsor this week is the awesome
Megan and her art ROCKS!!
I used the image, #443 Emily framed.
She's gorgeous!

After coloring her with Copics, I added lots of Stickles to her hair
for some glimmer. I hand wrote the sentiment, and tried to add
highlights with a white gel pen.
The theme is to be thankful.
I find that the older I get the more I cherish my "family" (both blood and chosen),
and how thankful I am to have found my soul mate so early in life. 
I'm thankful for the love and compassion that my husband and his family have always
shown me, and for the lessons on family that they have taught me.
I am a better person for having married into this family. They ROCK! 
And as far as friends go, I have so many cherished people in my life
that have chosen me to be their friend. I am truly blessed and thankful.
Be thankful and create!!
Join in on the ATC fun with us at Wicked Wednesday ATC challenge!
If you have been wanting to try ATCs, this is a perfect time to start!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm Wicked, and it's Wednesday!!!

Because I am unable to function properly without a heightened level
of chaos and stress, I have joined the Wicked Wednesday ATC challenge DT.
Not that it's their fault I'm stressed and chaotic. That's just how I roll.
I had to do it to be closer to my awesome friend, Jenn.
She's such a gem of a human being. Maybe some of that will rub off on me.
This week WW is sponsored by
and the theme is "Snails and Stripes".
I am a fan of The Emerald Fairies line and have a few images already,
so I decided to make 2 ATCs.
First up, is "Boo and Snookie"
(no relation to the Jersey Shore chick, unless "Snookie" is the snail).
One of my favorite images to color. I love coloring fairy wings.
Usually, I rip them off the fairy first... and you don't even wanna know
how I go about painting those snail shells!!   

This little babeh is called, "Ashee".
I even used L-A-C-E. Twice. Please don't tell the Minions.
You should see what they make Fiona do with her tassels!!
I don't even want to think of what they may do with some lace and cow prod!
Thank you to Jenn and the Wicked Wednesday DT for welcoming me into
their nice little group. Happy to be here.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Welcome to the Big Top!

I'm running quite late this week and since our
 yearly celebration of Hallow'een fell on a hump day,
I'm late for the mid week inspiration as well.
My little creepy clown is growing up!
He has only just gotten into the scary schtuff.
The challenge this week at HDH is
Hammer House of Horror.
Choose a Hammer film, a Hammer actor, or Hammer movie monster,
and let it be your muse for this challenge.

I am a fan of Hammer films and have watched my fair share of
Hammer monster movies. Peter Cushing has always been my favorite
Hammer actor. I have this awesome ATC drawn by Jim Sheely (ojimbo),
framed and sitting on my desk at all times.
I chose to go with a movie theme, based solely on the film's title.
I chose "Vampire's Circus" , released by Hammer Films back in 1972.
I was alive then, but probably not watching horror movies yet.
I was sold on this film after reading the phrase,
"Human fangs ripping throats - no sawdust can soak up the torrent of blood!" 
They just don't write tag lines like that any more.

Now I realize that the obvious theme to follow would have been the
Vampire element of the film, but I actually went with the
Circus/Fortune Teller idea instead. We just did Vampires last week anyway.
The film features a scheming fortune teller and a little person.
I didn't have a little person digi, but I did have this gorgeous fortune teller
image by Rick St. Dennis called, "Esmeralda", and the perfect tent image to go
with her from RSD as well. 
I like to make step cards because it allows me to use lots
more elements than I am able to use on a basic card.
I added another film poster and the eyes of the original poster for
the background of my creation. 
This is the last scheduled challenge of 2012 for HDH,
so this is your last chance to play along and be eligible for the
Master of the Macabre for October
Well, that's it.
Hope you had a great and festive Hallowe'en!!