Current Design Teams

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Baby Cthulhu

Have you ever seen a cuter Cthulhu?
No? I didn't think so.

I placed an order with Stampotique, and had hoped
to use this little guy for our Creepy Cryptids challenge at HDH. 
Due to the handmade quality of Stampotique stamps, they can take a while to
get to you. So worth the wait, but I missed my challenge.
I ended up making a Chupacabra instead.

The current challenge at Stampotique is to use stamps to make your
background.  This is a bit out of my crafting comfort zone, but it's a technique
I admire in other's projects.  I started off with a bunch of stamps,
and some heat embossing.

I even opened up a new jar of Tim Holtz distress crackle paint.
I am still getting the hang of it, but it is pretty cool.
I used my favorite Tattered Angels mist in "Dragonfly" to bring
some metallic opalescence to the whole tag.  And also used some
distress inks to color the background as well.
I have been wanting to try the "no lines" technique of coloring.
I stamped this Baby Cthulhu in pear tart Memento ink,
and colored him in with Copic YGs, with a touch of BG in his wings.
I highlighted him with a gel pen too. I really like how this turned out.
I have seen some really good examples of this technique, and some really
bad ones too. This one goes in the "good" pile. 

Here is my final tag with all the fibres and fanciness I could manage.
I would like to enter this tag in the following challenges:


  1. AWESOME! I love your background and the coloring of Chtulhu is just gorgeous. Thanks for joining us at Stampotique. XOXO

  2. Eek! I love this! Your tag is gorgeous. And that is definitely the cutest Cthulhu!:)

  3. Stunning Glo. Beautiful colour choice and the textures are killing it. really like the edgeless colouring on the little guy. I got my first stampotiques a little while ago, they are awesome, although I wish they would sell them un mounted.
    anyway, really really like this tag, beautifully done xx

  4. I think not. Loving the background too very cool xx

  5. You've blown me away!! This is fantastic. Sorry that you missed your original challenge. Thanks for joining us at Stampotique. Good luck. Claire x

  6. OMG, precious! Fabulous background, too. How fun to be able to experiment. xxD

  7. so creepy but COOOOOL! thanks for sharing your creation over at SDC

  8. I gasped aloud! And maybe eeked a little excitedly. That is adorable and creepy of course. Wow!!! Brilliant. You're a genius

  9. This is gorgeous, love the background!!

  10. WOW! Gorgeous, gorgeous tag ♥♥

    Thank you for sharing your tag with the background challenge at the Stampotique Designers Challenge blog. Gez

  11. Fab tag, love the colours, thanks for joining us at Stampotique.

  12. love me some stampotique!!! thank you for playing along with us at lawnscaping!

  13. He is pretty cute :) I say your card in the Lawnscaping challenge links and had to pop over. The tag is gorgeous...awesome techniques!

  14. HOw cute is this tag!! Love your colouring!! Thanks for joining us at CYP for our fairies and fantasy challenge! HUgsxx

  15. This is lovely, thank you for sharing with us at Craft your Passion. And good luck.

    Caz xx CYP DT

  16. very cool tag, love the blues and greens and great textures. Thanks for joining us at Stampotique Designer's Challenge.

  17. I absolutely adore this!!! Thanks for joining in with us at Stampotique this week :o)


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