Current Design Teams

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Oh My Gourd!!!!

Well, another Wednesday has crept up on me, and caught me a little behind.
Nothing has gone as planned this week, especially my gourd project.
With it still being a little early in the season for pumpkins, I decided to use
a faux pumpkin for my project. I've had some for a few years and never got
around to actually carving them, but the monkeys at Mike's do it every year
for their check out counter lights and displays, so how hard can it be?
I watched a few videos with helpful hints and tips for a successful
fake pumpkin carving experience. I decided the easiest and fastest  
way was to use a Dremel. I think the key here is to use the correct bit.
I did not use the correct bit. I gave up immediately after the incorrect bit caught the
foam of the pumpkin and ripped a big plug of faux punkin foam out of my design.
Boo on power tools.
I ended up using the little saw they provide in the kit, a nail file, an X-acto knife,
a bastard file, and finally a rat tail file. Now doesn't all that sound so much easier
than carving a real pumpkin?!
No, no it doesn't.  
The actual kit is quite simple to use on the pumpkin once you have
carved it to your liking. Or to your disliking. I went with a very simple
design even though I really wanted to show off like Donna and Lady B.
They both went in the professionally finished and insanely detailed route,
which worked for them quite nicely.
I hung my pumpkin rather high so the neighborhood delinquents would have to
work really hard to give this guy a roundhouse kick or use it as a punching bag.
Don't even tempt them...     

And then the piece de resistance, I didn't have a freaking fake tea light
on hand except for a purple Hello Kitty one that was pretty weak.
Anyhoo, the Floating Pumpkin kit is pretty cool and would be great if
you hung a bunch in a display or from your trees. Very simple to use
and gives a great effect to your Hallowe'en displays.   
Since I wasn't feeling I had performed to my full potential this week,
I made an ATC using Andrea's awesome pumpkin digi and
few weeks ago. I used a Memory Box "Spooky collage" stamp
over the Copic colored pumpkin and added some distress inks,
a sticker, and a couple of rhinestones to finish it off. 
I may have redeemed myself.


  1. The faux pumpkin looks brill. I LOVE the pumpkin ATC too. xx

  2. way to go with the faux pumpkin, I had no idea they existed till this challenge.
    Hello kitty???? really ;) ;) xx
    that atc brilliant, the pumpkin image is fab.

  3. Fabulous! It looks like your GLO SKULLS! Love the purple light. Guess I'm glad I didn't find my dremel after all. LOL And that ATC is gorgeous! Wonderfully eerie and your staging ROCKS! xxD


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