Current Design Teams

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Odd? Why yes, yes I am!

This week over at HDH we have an inspiration photo to
set your mojo a flowin'.

HDH145 inspiration photo
I actually chose the photo due to my (un)healthy obsession
with the Science Channel's, "Oddities" series.  
I have a mad crush on Ryan Matthew, the bone guy from the original
"Obscura" shop in NY.
Ryan makes articulated skeletal displays,
and my favorite, "exploding skull" displays. Ryan also lives in the most
amazing home, decorated with the most amazing specimens, taxidermy, bones,
etc... I told you, I loves him.
Now I have added, 'hippo skull' to my long list of
skeletal wants. 

Maybe he'd just let me clean and cook for him for free.
No strings, other than the fact that I can run around and touch all
his stuff, ... naked.
Sounds like a deal to me, but selling the hubby on it will be
rough since I kind of have the same deal going with him.

I went the very literal route and just reproduced the inspiration photo
as an ATC card. It seemed a little easier than actually mulling through all of my
schtuff to find just the right skull and bottles to work with.
It looked way cooler when it was just a pencil sketch, but
I need to remember that "practice makes perfect".
I colored it with Copics and Distress inks.

Since I have been bitten by the ATC bug, I needed a place to keep
all of the little cards until I decide what to do with them.  

I love iced tea. It is my favorite beverage, and I go through
a box of my favorite tea every other week.
I decided to put this little box to good use to hold my cards.

I had to make it cool, so after reinforcing the interior of the box, 
I painted it a flat black with acrylic paint.
I added some metallic ruby accent paint  to appear like aged wood grain.
I added a few Hallowe'en border stickers that I have too many of, and added a
cool skull button to act as a way to open the box.
I then painted Distress Stickles in Antique Linen all over the entire box to seal
everything and give it a nice speckled, shimmery finish.

And lastly,  

Juan got a new hat!
Thank you Hobby Lobby, for carrying Iguana hats! 



  1. Wow, wow and double WOW. Loving your littly arty ATC and that box is immense although not quite as cool as the one you sent to me haha. Loving the iguanas hat very nifty. xx

  2. the hippo skull is really cool. That's a find!

  3. ROFL You are so freaking awesome. You crack me up and inspire me all at the same time! :) Great projects, love the ATC and the little box you made to keep them in - so cool. I'm trying to come up with a cool way to display mine... thinking about a shadow box type thing but not sure if I want to make it permanent (like glue in my faves) or be able to switch them around. Will keep you posted. xo

  4. I gotta start recording "Oddities". Too cool. Can I come help with the cleaning gig? LOL you are quite the artiste, my dear. Fab ATC. Lovin' Juan's new hat. xxD

  5. Glo - that ATC is wonderful and the little box to keep it in is super. Love the little hat - what a find!!

  6. Fabbo, fabbo, fabbo - LUV the ATC and the holder. How cool and your drawing is super.
    My Goodness - I would love to live in that house too.
    Great hat Juan :-) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  7. juan looks rather dapper in his hat, and your atc box is fabulous!


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