Current Design Teams

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ahhhh, be young again.

If I could do it all over again,  I would still marry the same man,
but we would be having a Hallow e'en or a Zombie/horror themed wedding.
My in-laws (the Pentecostals) would be thrilled.
My best friend's niece is getting married in a few weeks and
requested a custom wedding cake topper for her wedding.
Here it is.
I really am quite pleased with myself.

I had to really rein in my tendency to go really bloody.
It is for a wedding after all. And not even a zombie themed
wedding at that.

See, nice and subtle.
She loved her topper and I am glad. Now I don't have to give her a
wedding gift! Ha!

Since I was kind of on a roll, I went with the mojo and made some
more zombified goodies.

This was the second choice topper if Kara didn't like the first one.

"I don't care if you are a zombie, we're getting married!" 

I just love how his fingers are digging into the ground!
And yet he is still smiling.

We all know that Disney is not sacred to me (see this post),
so when I saw this unpainted Donald at a local discount store
I had to pounce!
Just what do you think he has in that tool box of his?
 I really like how this one turned out.


Zombie St. Nick

And another one....

...and another.

I'll be listing or have already listed, all or most of the
above pieces in my Etsy shoppe.
You can also comment or email me directly, if you are
looking for a custom piece for someone special or for the
most awesome Hallow e'en or Christmas gift ever!!  

And that's what I've been up to lately.
How you doin'? 


  1. Those toppers are the bees knees! Love all of your little goodies. I think those wedding toppers will sell like hot cakes defo. Love everything though esp how you make it look aged. xx

  2. OMG!!!! A zombie invasions! Sooo frickin' FABULOUS! I can't get over the sedding cake topper. Would love to get pix of people's reactions. LOL Fab Work, Chickie! xxD


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