Current Design Teams

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Long in the Tooth and the eclipse

It is Wretched Wednesday already, and I have my
toothy inspiration piece to show you!!

Long in the Tooth is the challenge at HDH this week,
and we are sponsored by
Andrea has offered up a one of a kind sculpture to this week's winner.
Check out this post for more info.

I scrapped a few projects before coming up with this card.
I was very determined to use all of the elements I had chosen.
Regardless of whether they worked or not. 
I printed out some cool dental diagrams I found on
Google images. I printed them onto kraft stock,
colored the teeth with a white pastel pencil,
 and then aged the panels with distress inks. 
I used my favorite stamp from Paper Make Up Stamps
called, Chomps.
I think he's still available as a digi, but they no longer carry rubber.

I added the "I Bite" sentiment and layered it onto a Spellbinder die cut.
I had to add some blood splatter to the sentiment to give it the
"Goria" treatment.

There is still lots of time to come up with a tooth or dental
inspired project for Haunted Design House's 
 "Long in the Tooth" challenge.
The deadline for entries is Sunday at 5PM, CST.

And now for some eclipse photos.
My husband and I were not overly excited about the eclipse,
but once it started, we were running around making viewers
out of paper towel tubes and kept checking back every few
seconds to see if it had changed any in appearance since
the last time we checked. Two seconds ago.
Our son, who is 12 was less than enthused.
He grew tired of the show soon after it began.
Some people's kids! 

This is a shot of our back fence. It was taken of the eclipse
through the shadow of our apricot tree. Each little semi circle
is the sun being eclipsed by the moon. So cool!

Since I am ignorant to whether you can photograph an
eclipse with a regular camera, I tried it on the sly.

Well, it didn't ruin my camera, and I got some cool
pictures, but nothing that showed the actual eclipse.

Maybe I'll get another chance in another 18 years or so. 


  1. LOVE it! the dental pix are da bomb and that critter is too cute. you did better than I did on the eclipse pix. My hubby kept saying "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" OOps! xxD

  2. Fabulous Chomps card. Awesome idea and I love that lil' monster. :-) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Your photography skills are second to none!! I LOVE your long in the tooth creation. That kraft card looks so cool. I will need to get some (not that I could do with it what you did!) LOve your little guy he so stands out and looks immense. x

  4. Love your card - the dental pics are a great background and I want to hug Chomps to death.

    Your eclipse pic via the fence it extremely cool.

  5. Cool photos glow, especially the one of your back fence, and Chomp is sooo him :)

  6. You are so awesome, you make me feel inferior!!!!! :)


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