Current Design Teams

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

...scoopin' up the field mice and choppin' off their heads!

I can't believe it's Wednesday already!
This new year is just zippin' by.

My husband hooked me up with an awesome
new Canon printer and I have been printing digis onto
thick ass Papertrey Ink paper and kraft card stock all day.
Since I have been using digis for the past few years,
the only stock my old printer would feed was
 SU Whisper White.
That's right, I almost didn't know what I was missing.
Now I am a coloring fiend!

Next up, to figure out how to use the scanner and
maybe draw up a digi or two. The possibilities are
endless at this point.

I had such a blast working on this week's challenge at HDH.
Our sponsor is The Octopode Factory and we
got to use some new images from Lily.

I chose to play with the
Day of the Dead couple.
And I used the bodies of Tweedle Dee and Dum
from the Octopode's Alice in Wonderland line.

I kept the color scheme really simple with warm greys
and reds, with the thought that it conveyed the
feel of romance.
Plus, I spend way too much time choosing my colors,
so this ended up being a quicker process than usual.    
I glittered her veil and the accents around her eyes.
Everyone knows that a bride has to sparkle!

I used quite a bit of black Doodlebug fine glitter
on his moustache and goatee, and I added some
red Stickles around the eye for more sparkle. 
I added a couple of red half pearls for some interest.

It's rather simple, but I like it.

And I finally got to showcase this gorgeous tattered
rose ribbon I received from the Mistress herself.
I cut out a single red rosette and added it to the center
of the black ones with a snot dot.

This is a really fun and creative challenge.
Just chop the head off of something and put it
on the body of something else!

You act like you've never done this before.

There is still lots of time to play along.
You have until this Sunday at 5PM CST.
And don't forget,
there is a $15 gift certificate from The Octopode Factory
for one lucky winner too!   

I'd like to enter this card in the


  1. This is gorgeous which is no surprise and I so love red. I have that ribbon in red but never know how to make it look good like you do. I so can't wait to see some of your digis. x

  2. ROFL, Glo! When I saw that post title, I just had to pop over and see what you were up to. Is that really how you learned the song as a kid? "chopping off their heads"?!? I learned it as "smacking them on the head". That might explain a lot. LOL! Great coloring on this and I like how you did the roses.

  3. FABULOUS Glo - great colour choices and I love the extra glitter. These images are sooooo funny :-)
    WTF is a 'Snot Dot' ??? LoL

  4. Oh, what a fun and spooky card. I love it.Thank you for joining us at Oozak's first challenge.

  5. Such an adorable, kooky couple! The composition wonderful and the colour combination is superb :)


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