Current Design Teams

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mainstream Birthday

I just looked at my calendar, and I have
quite few birthdays coming up!

I had some "yet to be inked" rubbah that kept
squealing at me, so I inked their little butts up!

This image is from Paper Make Up Stamps, but
I bought it in rubber during their close-out before going
completely digital, so I'm not sure if she is still available.

Her name is Olive.
She has a sparkly cupcake.

This image is also from my rubbah order
from Paper Make Up.
Her name is Francesca.

Cocktails anyone?
I hid a botched coloring job on her dress
with lots of Doodlebug glitter.
It matched purrr-fectly.

Now I have to go make some photograph cards.
I have a ton of photos of fleurs and trees and schtuff.
I need to use them in some way, so I make cards
with a simple sentiment and a lovely photo taken by moi.
These are perfect for those people who don't really appreciate
all the work that goes into a handmade card, but get butt hurt
if they don't get one. I love my SIL, but she is one of those
people that don't really appreciate art, and will throw away
a handmade card as if it was from the Dollar Store.
No offense taken, but she doesn't get a fancy schmancy card from me.


  1. These cards you made are so pretty- They're not 'creepy'- but they still have a bit of your touch in it. Might be 'the smoky' shadow. They're quite beautiful though.

  2. UHHHH OMG SHE DOES WHAT?!! Well good for you to change it to a photo and stamped sentiment. Smart really. Even my stepson, who is 14, saves his cards. Ok I didn't expect that but I was still friggin' shocked. These are so super cute and I love the glitter even if it was to cover something up. LOL! Oh and glad you got the stamp. Can't wait to see you use it cuz you're just so damn talented. Interesting new blog look.....creepy so that's perfect right?!! Hugs!


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