Current Design Teams

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Voodoo part deux

This was actually my first version of the cool
Voodoo Lady image from Kraftin' Kimmie.
Once I had her all colored, the map part of the 
Haunted Design House challenge didn't really work. 

I totally love this image! So cool!!!

I did struggle with what color to color her face.
I decided to go with a charcoal face and a white
mask like the Voodoo Priests in Nawlin's.

I think I ended up with more detail on the one I colored
with colored pencils. I'll keep them handy just in case I decide
to practice some more.


  1. This one is awesome too! Your coloring is great no matter if with pencils or markers. I guess it will have to be up to how you feel.

  2. Your cards are so detailed! Love the sentiment!

  3. You have totally sold this image to me!! I will have to ask the hubby to get it for me. haha. Your cards are just GORGEOUS every single bloody time. Do you never make anything that isn't just spectacular? xx

  4. Quit taunting me with her! CRAP! I must SHOP! xxD


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