Friday, January 6, 2012

Lil' Drac

This is the cutest damn thing I have seen in ages!! I had to share!!

Is it silly that this little bat baby left me in tears?
Maybe it was just a catalyst for some much needed weeping.
Life has been better.


  1. OMG! This is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. I didn't realize they started off soooo small! Thanks for sharing such a heart-warming video!

  2. I'm sorry that you've been having such a rough time. The latest video of Lil' Drac shows him grown enough to make independent flights in the flight cage, but still rocking himself to sleep :)

  3. OMG that is the sweetest video ever!! Hope things get better for you....we all have a cry at the oddest things sometimes and it catches us off guard.

  4. Now that is very stinking cute. I love the rocking. Poor wittle thing. I am sure he will grow up big and strong.

  5. OMG!!!!! He is the sweetest thing EVER! I think we had his Momma on our wall. We thought she was sleeping, but she stayed there for days. Eventually the flies started buzzing around. I wanted to freeze dry her, but David wouldn't let me. BooHoo! Tell me that rocking wasn't the cutest thing. I WANT one! xxD

  6. Yep it made me cry too Glo....... he is the cutest thing ever!!!

  7. thankyou so much for sharing this awesome video. I hope things et better for YOU real soon. hugs Helen x


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