Current Design Teams

Friday, December 9, 2011

Nom! The Zombied Angels Groan...

Well I kinda fell off the Creepmas bandwagon
didn't I?
Life has really gotten in the way lately, but I am back!
I'm gonna ease into Creepmas again with a little collection
I have been working on over the past year.

Zombie Angels!!!!

Just look at my handsome boys!

So precious!

I cannot express my sheer joy when I am hunting for
sculptures at the local thrift store, and run across a
perfect angel!!!!
This is my tree topper this year.

I'm not sure how long the husband is going to tolerate
my Zombie Angel display atop the mantel, so I thought I 
should snap some pics of the kids before they go back into the 
barrister bookcase. Gotta keep a lid on these guys. 


  1. Definitely the creepiest set of angles I've seen. They seem to have been picking each others brains!

  2. I like your interpretation of the season!

  3. Fabulous - they are amazing. You are brilliant :-D LUV the brain earrings in the Shop... cosmic xxxxxxx

  4. fabulous job on the little guys!


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