Current Design Teams

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Glowbugg's Best of 2011

I saw this on Tracey Feeger's blog and I liked the idea.
So, I am spotlighting my favorite personal project(s)
from each month over the past year.
Sort of a "greatest hits" compilation, if you will.

Here goes:











Oh! And....

and lastly,

Thanks so much for following along with me on
my look back on 2011's projects and posts.
I made some pretty cool schtuff this past year.
It was fun to look back and see how my style
has evolved and changed. How it has improved and
even crashed and burned more than I'd like
to revisit.

I look forward to learning more coloring techniques
in the coming year.
I am also looking forward to spending more time making
quality projects as opposed to having so many "obligations",
that I end up rushing to meet deadlines as opposed to creating
real art I can be proud to show on my blog.

Here's to 2012!!!!
Happy New Year!!!


  1. Totally AWESOME - these are just amazing. I am glad you are going to be more 'picky' and give time to what you really WANT to do. Much better for the creative soul !!!
    Many Hugz
    Ike xxxx

  2. Stunning projects Glo!
    I have really enjoyed following your blog over the last year and I look forward to seeing more of your creations in 2012 :)

  3. Hi just popped back to let you know we are having a follower candy give away at Quoth the raven, Nevermore
    Please stop by and check it out :)

  4. These are sooo awesome. Your talent is SOOO diverse. It's amazing how good you are. And your cards are sooo detailed and have so many layers.

  5. Love looking at your fabulous variety of awe inspiring projects, Glo. Looking forward to a great New Year. Happy happy! xxD

  6. You sound like me. The past 2 years I have been rushed to get things done and just post it no matter what it looks like and I never feel like it is what I wanted to do. I too hope yo post more creations that are me and ones I can be proud of, but I know I will have ones that I just don't feel while I am creating with them. I can't wait to see all your magical creations this year.
    I had the hardest time picking my favorites. I love each and everyone of your cards and creations.

  7. Wow girl - you've been busy! I liked looking at your fave projects of 2011. Your coloring is just amazing!!


Feel free to comment or just vent.