Current Design Teams

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Glowbugg's Best of 2011

I saw this on Tracey Feeger's blog and I liked the idea.
So, I am spotlighting my favorite personal project(s)
from each month over the past year.
Sort of a "greatest hits" compilation, if you will.

Here goes:











Oh! And....

and lastly,

Thanks so much for following along with me on
my look back on 2011's projects and posts.
I made some pretty cool schtuff this past year.
It was fun to look back and see how my style
has evolved and changed. How it has improved and
even crashed and burned more than I'd like
to revisit.

I look forward to learning more coloring techniques
in the coming year.
I am also looking forward to spending more time making
quality projects as opposed to having so many "obligations",
that I end up rushing to meet deadlines as opposed to creating
real art I can be proud to show on my blog.

Here's to 2012!!!!
Happy New Year!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wicked Christmas Antics!

I don't know if you've heard, but the
Smudgy Antics challenge blog
is open to all images now, not just stamped, but digis too,
and not limited to Smeared and Smudged images either.
Any qualifying submission is up for the grand prize,
but only S&S images are up for the Top 3.

I was so inspired by the challenge and then to find out
I could use whatever image(s) I wanted?!

I give you my version of a
Wicked Christmas.

This is my new boyfriend,
Monster Boy from Dilly Beans.
It was love at first sight... sigh....
I saw someone else put wings on him and had to
CASE it for this card. So angelic.

This is the perfect sentiment for all ages.
I believe it's from MFT
It was a gift, so I'm guessing by the font.  

I finally got to destash a
long in the tooth chipboard snowflake.
The first logical step was to paint them all black, right?
Try using those on your traditional holiday cards!

I am entering this card in the 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sexy in socks?

My son asked, "Why is she wearing socks with that gown?"

"Cause that's how Krista drew her", was all I could come up with.
Well, that and the fact that I colored them to look like socks,
not stockings. 

Her name is Suzi Stockings after all. You can find her here.
I think she is gorgeous in my new favorite color combo.
I added lots of sparkles to give the impression of ice
crystals shimmering in the sunlight.
I even went with a button combo and silver ribbon accent
to finish off this wintry gorgeousness!

I made this card specifically for the current winter themed
challenge over at the

Dustin' off the funk

Man, am I ever glad to see this holiday season
come to an end. 
The month of December really sucked right out of the gate.
Things did settle down finally, and I had a wonderful
Hexmas Eve and an even better Hexmas.
I got some nice gifts and didn't have
to get dressed all day!!! We're talkin' jammies, not nude!

So, I took the time I had this past week and made a couple
of cards to play along with some upcoming challenges.

Today's card is for the Dilly Beans challenge of using
three different images on your project.

Since I am total sucker for the mentally imbalanced
(well, they always seem to find me at the mall and other public places),
I had to go with the Disturbed Snowman image

I paired him up with a winter sign post from Make it Crafty
and a funny sentiment I got from Ginger's House ,
a fabulous free word art blog. Thanks Lynx!

The blank sign post was perfect for me to hand write the
three avenues of Holiday Cheer!

So glad I finally got to play along with the

I'll be back tomorrow with a little Saturated Canary action.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Entering the home stretch

I am finally starting to get into the spirit of the season.
At least a little bit anyway.
I got to do some more shopping and am feeling
even better since I found out we don't have to go anywhere
or entertain anyone on Christmas Day! Yippee!!
I am all for sitting around the fire playing our (yet to be opened)
Nightmare Before Xmas Jenga game and taking a
neccesary nap  from sipping too much hot chocolate
laced with 100 proof Peppermint Schnapps.

Oh! I made some cards. Wanna see?

My neighbor, Connie has been keeping my family well
stocked with cookies and the most amazing Pomegranate
jelly and syrup! I had to make her a card to thank her for
sharing the sweets! 

This handsome fellow is Duncan from
Loving him!!!

I am really digging the color scheme on this one!
Brrr! So frosty!!

This cutie is a great digi image from

Lastly, is my favorite of the bunch.

I found an image via Google of this
amazing bloody nosed reindeer by the uber talented
Mad Creator himself, Gris Grimly

I admire his art immensely!
And he's not hard on the eyes either!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Okay, but just a quickie...

I have not been in a particularly festive mood this season.
It's been a chore to participate at all to say the least.
I have been steady with orders in my etsy shop which has
brought a bright spot to most days.
Don't pity me though, this is all self induced.
I think I'm turning into my F-F-F-Father!

I do have some purdy cards to share though.

Here is a little Kraftin' Kimmie action.

Her name is Takara.
I totally bought it for the dragon though.

Here is an image from Delicious Doodles

She is the Steampunk Fairy found here.

LOVE them wangs!!!

Lastly, is a card that took me forever to finish!
It sat in pieces for weeks until I finally got a whiff
of what I hope was mojo, and I put it all together.
That awesome Steampunky background is from
Crafty Chaos Designs
and is found here.

It all works perfectly with this killer image from
Lilith is my favorite Lolita character of all time.
Tickled Pink is currently selling their digis for a short time
this month, and at a 15% discount!

Ho! Ho! Hum!