Current Design Teams

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wretched Wednesday HDH105 P.M.S.

Who would have thought that mere initials
would strike fear in the hearts of men?
Silly mortals!

This week's Macabre Monday challenge is
Why? What were you thinking?

I kind of had a hard time with this challenge.
Seems simple enough, just use a crazy chick
and something silver.
It took me a while, but once I found my muse
(also known as "Karin" from Stampotique),
I decided to make something other than a card.

Once I got "Karin" all colored and UTEE'd a few times,
I mounted her onto a black card stock scalloped circle. 

Then, for my ultimate destash, I used a
Leeza Gibbons silver rope frame I picked up
years ago at Big Lots! for a $1.00.
I have two more frames in smaller sizes that may need their
own Stampotique images as well.
Anyhoo, a little (LOTS!) glue and some complimentary colored
ribbon, and we have ourselves an orny-mint! Yay!

There is still plenty of time to play along

Also I wanted to say a heartfelt, "Thank you" to Ike from Greece.
She not only was so awesome to have created this killer
piece of art, but she was also generous enough to send it to me!!

She entered this in a Magnolia challenge blog
and they removed it. Some people just can't take a joke.

I am not a fan of the Tilda character, so I got quite a kick out
of this awesome art piece! Tons of details and dimension.
I will be framing it tomorrow and hanging it up in my craft
room for all to admire and adore!
Thank you Ike!! You ROCK!!!


  1. Ooh, I love your creation! It makes me want to try something like that. And I totally agree, Ike rocks!

  2. LOL that Tilda grind is hilarious!!!!!!!!!
    Oh my word freakin funny indeed!

  3. I LOVE your charm, erm, orna-mint! Gorgeous!

    And the Matilda grinder *snort guffaw* is really so fun! Seems rude that they removed it from a challenge entry ...

  4. Very cool ornament, and I am soo jealous of that Tilda grinder!!!

  5. Wayhay... snort.... Tilda Grinder gets ANOTHER airing... bwahahahaha. So glad it got to you safely - may it give you a daily raucous guffaw !! :-D :-)
    Huge Hugz
    Ike xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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